N-Caged Grow, Outdoor 2011

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I tend to stay away from these OD posts here but man I love your buds :) There looking tasty
Here's the OOPs for this week, :eek: .

It is the Pre 98 Bubba I left off the list on the Weekly Update. She is a little shorty, but covered in buds, especially on her fence (south) side.

Most of the Kush plants are staying dark green, excepting the Grand Queen Purples who have lightened up as their buds got farther along. The Cherry Ak 47 are the lightest by far now. As you can see bottom right in this picture.

Thanks for stopping in and saying a word or two guys n gals, makes me feel like someone is watching. Better than the numbers by far.

Also, I just wanted to mention, I saw the first purpling of leaf this morning while looking in on the girls. On the Urkel, there is gonna be some pretty color on her soon.

Hiya TC! Those are some pretty flowers you got there. You and Mr TC getting any fishing in lately or are you too busy tending the garden?
Beautiful as always TC. You always make me alittle jealous.
Great Grow as always TC, I'm gettin antsy to harvest ya know LOL
:aok: :aok: :aok: :aok:
Thanks guys.

Ray, you make me jealous. I see your greenhouse and WOWza on the size of your girls.

BBFan, no fishing for me, Mr Tc has been busy working, but as luck would have it, the plant broke down today, so he HAS a day fishing. If it wasn't a 3 hour drive to where he is, I would go join him. We have not done much fishing at all this last summer. Retirement is as soon as this season ends and I am hoping to hit the lake a bunch next summer. Those lake bass have got to be missing me and my worms. :D

Powerplanterr, I under stand the drool reflex totally. My mouth waters just watching them in the sun.

I got another OOOPS here :eek: . I broke a branch this morning whilst watering. I trimmed it up, and took pictures. It is ten days out. Now I got to repair my loop so I can gander at these trichs. They look pretty clear from the pics I took. The trimming scissors are all ready to go now anyway.

OldHippy, I know what you mean about antsy, this branch was just dying to come in the house. ;) I hate driving out of the driveway these days.

Cherry AK 47.jpg

Cherry AK 47 2.jpg
ray jay said:
Beautiful as always TC. You always make me alittle jealous.


:ciao: tc...:watchplant:
Weekly Update

1. Cindy 99
2. 87NL
3. Urkel
4. Cherry AK 47
5. Right side of garden
6. Left side of garden
7. Grand Queen Purple

Rained this morning for about an hour, I did not hear a thing. Water all over the plants. I am not worried. We have a nice breeze and the sun is partially clouded over. The leaves got a nice rinse, they were pretty dusty.

The Cherry AK 47 will be taken down next Saturday. Those plants are looking pretty tired. The pistils are turning brown and by Saturday Im calling them quits. I hope we get a pound off those four plants. :D

I tried to get a panorama view of the garden with the last two pictures. Next weeks update will be without the AK 47 along the most forward fence.

Life is good here at the ranch. The work season is winding down and I am looking forward to having the Mr. TC home in the next month or so. I wonder what his favorite will be this year, I have quite a mix for him to enjoy.

Thank you for visiting all you smoker's, toker's and growers. This has been a fun season and we will be keeping the updates coming until the last plant comes down. :D

C 99.jpg

87 NL.jpg


C AK 47.jpg



Those are so gorgeous I can't stand it. GQP needs to be in bpotm as I am sure you have hundreds of beautiful shots. Can't wait to see um all. Congrats TC, well done as usual.
Thank you Rose. I am not getting the shots I like yet. I do have one to fall back on for October, if I dont get anything better. So far, I like the NL best of all the plants. The only draw back on her is her late start on putting on flowers. I am impressed with the Cindy 99 too, but, she/they may not finish in time and need to come inside to finish. Have a nice Sunday Rose.
Hope when the time comes for the NL, you will trim off all those fan leaves so we can get a look at her with her clothes off :hubba:
Thanks for the compliments guys.

NV, this weekend will be the start of NAKED BUD shots. Your gonna have to wait a couple weeks on the NL. I hate taking down the AK 47, but it is that time of year, the frost waits for no man or plant. I have trimmers coming up this weekend too, and dang, I cant see them just having fun and not working while they are up here. The AK is showing a few amber but mostly cloudy and clear trichs. I know if I leave them longer they will get better, but as I said, weather waits on no bud. And I will take bud before it's time if I have too. Sounds like I am trying to convince myself.
:clap: :woohoo:

awesome job, TC, u got yer skillz dialed :aok:


7greeneyes :)
that should fill the new drying racks right up, then some. did you have any critters come up to visit the smells this year? i heard those pileated woodpeckers never leave the area they were born in. theres three of them here that we only see in the fall around the feeders. i had a group of deer bedding down about 40-50 foot from some plants all summer. i don't try to chase them away cause of the hunting aspect. never had deer 'eat' my plants either. have had deer lay on them though before. just picked them up, shook them off, and staked them back up, and next day show resumed as if nothing happened. lol.

theres been cougar sightings here for 15 years, but no actual footage of one. the tv news would report on this, i guess you'd call it slow news nights, and talk like the person was crazy to think there are cougars here. the story i've always heard was that the dnr released x amount of them in an area with an over population of deer, to control disease, and car/deer crashes, and they were all equipped with tracking collars and id tags. well the dnr rep has denied those stories publicly many times when asked about it. then tonight, i'm watching the news, and guess what walks across the screen with a visible tracking collar and ear tag? haha. (and i want to add, it looked really healthy).

a farmer had put up motion sensor cams, and caught one on the prowl. prolly stalking his cattle. can't wait for the reps responce to the questions that will be asked now in light of visual evidence. i can see a farmer shooting one and say, ''what cougar?, ain't no cougars here you idiot!'' hahaha...

but the thing is, farmers have been reporting attacks the entire 15 years on thier farm animals. a few times they had killed many animals all at once, like two horses, four sheep, and three calves. the one horse had clear to see claw marks down one entire side. that slaughter looked like the work of two or more to me.

can you imagine the uproar from the farming communities that have given reports on sightings and attacks? my county is one thats had many reports, so if the stories are true, they have either migrated, or mated.

thought you'd find this interesting to read with morning coffee, as i'm drinking mine now. :)

you're girls look great. peace...
HAppy HArvesting

Dont Forget the smoke Brakes:48:
Good Morning Irish, got my tea right here and yes interesting. We do have cougars in our area. Only time we hear about them is when they snatch a small dog from someones yard though. I've seen live ones a few times here. One walking by the window at a place I used to live, was amazed at the length of the tail, almost as long as the cat. And then I've seen a few cross the road in front of me, quite a sight I must say. As for the wildlife, not much this year by the house. Or for that matter the last few years. The neighbor has three dogs now and well, I think that has put the kabosh on the deer around me. Used to see them all the time, not much at all lately. Nice to see you drop in Irish, thanks for stopping by.

4u, smoke breaks anytime they want. I got some good munchies in store for them too. I might even rent a movie for the evening. The cover goes up this weekend on the cage. I hear we are gonna have rain Sunday/Monday. Boo.

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