that should fill the new drying racks right up, then some. did you have any critters come up to visit the smells this year? i heard those pileated woodpeckers never leave the area they were born in. theres three of them here that we only see in the fall around the feeders. i had a group of deer bedding down about 40-50 foot from some plants all summer. i don't try to chase them away cause of the hunting aspect. never had deer 'eat' my plants either. have had deer lay on them though before. just picked them up, shook them off, and staked them back up, and next day show resumed as if nothing happened. lol.
theres been cougar sightings here for 15 years, but no actual footage of one. the tv news would report on this, i guess you'd call it slow news nights, and talk like the person was crazy to think there are cougars here. the story i've always heard was that the dnr released x amount of them in an area with an over population of deer, to control disease, and car/deer crashes, and they were all equipped with tracking collars and id tags. well the dnr rep has denied those stories publicly many times when asked about it. then tonight, i'm watching the news, and guess what walks across the screen with a visible tracking collar and ear tag? haha. (and i want to add, it looked really healthy).
a farmer had put up motion sensor cams, and caught one on the prowl. prolly stalking his cattle. can't wait for the reps responce to the questions that will be asked now in light of visual evidence. i can see a farmer shooting one and say, ''what cougar?, ain't no cougars here you idiot!'' hahaha...
but the thing is, farmers have been reporting attacks the entire 15 years on thier farm animals. a few times they had killed many animals all at once, like two horses, four sheep, and three calves. the one horse had clear to see claw marks down one entire side. that slaughter looked like the work of two or more to me.
can you imagine the uproar from the farming communities that have given reports on sightings and attacks? my county is one thats had many reports, so if the stories are true, they have either migrated, or mated.
thought you'd find this interesting to read with morning coffee, as i'm drinking mine now.
you're girls look great. peace...