Geeze guys.... this 'could' actually be an educational and informative discussion. Why must we aggrevate and berate?..
I can see "both" points. IMO..Faudex is correct in the fact that there is no "regulatory commission", no control, noone overseeing either 'breeders' OR 'seed makers'. ONLY the consumer. And there are a good percentage of consumers out there, that quite frankly, wouldn't know white widow from bluberry, from cali ornge, from G13...

.. and probably don't even 'care'. As long as they are able to produce a good product themselves, and "say" "I'm smoking G13". Not all!.. but there is a good percentage.
Their reputation and their "own" sense of honesty and morality is "ALL" tat they are bound by. And, IMO, there are many concientous and honest breeders out there, but unfortunately, I have to believe that a good number of 'not so concientous' ..seed makers have also ventured into the market from time to time.
Purchasing from "reputable" seed banks, and "repytable" breeders can give you some asurance, but there are no gaurantees. Unlike going into the garden center and buying Zuchinni seeds, if you grow them and end up with pumpkins, there is a road of repercussion.
On the othe hand, as mass suggested,.. there are a good percentage of informed and studious consumers out there, that DO know and understand the finer points and characteristics of MJ, and are probably our best means of regulation and control at this point. Keeping the "breeders" held to a 'standard' of stability and quality, through feedback and (again) "reputation". AND..IMO, we do have some of those honest and reputable 'breeders' in NA, they aren't restricted to the netherlands..

..just play nice guys

, and don't allow method of communication here to bunch up yer panties..