My First Grow All Under $40

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Ok I just want to start out saying how pleased I am to now be apart of this community, the people here are the most patient and helpful people i've run into in a long time, good job everyone!

Now on to my first grow..

I decided to grow a small personal stash because of two reasons, the first being all the dealers in my area aren't what they once were, and the second being i'm running short on cash. So this is kind of my test cycle to see if it can be done using all things I already have and some store bought soil. Here are the facts to date.

I successfully germinated 2 seeds out of 15 that I placed in a moist towel after 3 days, all seeds came from a previous bag I purchased, and I planted them in the same pot (I know mistake) in regular "clay" like soil that doesn't drain very well(i know another mistake). They did sprout up tall the first day ( inch and a half?), and I am now on day 3 and the plants are roughly the same height, I guess due to me lowering the light I am using. The picture below is a current growth picture. For lighting I am currently using 24/7 light cycle, but I am using 1 desklamp with a 40 watt incandescent bulp in for now. Today soon after this post, I plan to make a trip and start acting right on this project. I plan to transplant both sprouts into their own 6" or so pots, with Miracle Grow Patio, i believe is the name, soil. I then plan to wrap the entire base and sides of under my sink with aluminum foil to reflect the light onto the plants. I will also replace the incandecent 40w with a 27w or 40w CPL bulp, and I plan on looking into getting ANOTHER desklamp with the same bulb as the other. I will also be looking into some Miracle Grow Nuts today while I'm at the store, but I may hold off on this as I wanted opinions first. For air flow and smell combat, I decided not to use a fan, but to just leave my door to my cabinet open most of the time and have an negative ionic charge generator sitting right near the plant because I heard this is effective at smell removal.

So please leave comments/suggestions asap, critisism is encouraged, but also keep in mind i'm growing in the first place because I do not have alot of spare cash in the first place. Thanks alot everyone!

P.S. That is not a burn spot on the one sprout, It came out of the seed like that day one.

i suggest you add more SOIL to the pot and not clay as well as seperate the plants and put something reflective around them,i found aluminum foil to work good but ppl dont think its good.
They look nice but I agree with KS. Get them transplanted into some better soil and you'll see a huge improvement. Good luck:).
killersmoke said:
i found aluminum foil to work good but ppl dont think its good.

The reason its terrible to use: 1, creates hot spots/lead to fire. 2,Its not really reflective, its only about 40% i belive, maby alittle more or less. But compared to black&white poly wich is 80% reflective, and only $1 a foot. 3, Its hard to work with because it rips easy.
yes but for this grower and many like him not wanting to have to go to home depot for something such as 2 or 3 foot of mylar aluminum foil is easy to get from the corner store and easy to set up in a grow box.....for advanced growers looking to be perfect of course aluminum foil would not be the best choice
Send me some progress bud,under 40 bones ya say?
Vetren lol
ok here is what i just spent at the local wal mart.

67 cents for 25 feet of aluminum foil
$21 for a Flourescent lighting lamp, 27w (equilvalent of 150w of light it says)
$3.50 for Miracle Grow potting soil

I plan to set it all up now and have a picture in an hour or two. I will be taking both plants completely out of this clay soil and placing them in there new homes, i just hope i don't damage the roots on them doing it.

Wish me luck!:)
good luck they look close together so maybe only 1 will survive
Hello JX:). Allow me to help you a lil. If your walls are flat white, they will be more reflective than aluminum. You got a 27w lamp so thats 1700 lumens, maybe a lil more. You need 3000(minimum)-5000(recommended) lumens per square ft. So for a space that is 1ftx1ft you'd need a minimum of 2 of those lights. Make sure the bulbs are 6500k. This is the color temperature, in this case it's the blue spectrum for veg. 2000, 2100k are in the red spectrum and are for flowering. I would not recommend starting out with the MG soil unless it's the organic and then you'd need to add a ph buffer. Just a lil advice, hope this helps:).
killer smoke why wouldnt both of them survive he is transplanting them...ive had plants grow side by side for weeks and they were fine ...dont scare him tho
yea im just telling him not to get his hopes up because ive transplanted small plants like that b4 and they have died,i just wanted to let him know theres a slight chance 1 or both might not live after being transplanted
OK here is what I've done, I just wrapped up the base and sides with foil, tho you guys can decide by the paint in the picture if i should just remove the foil or leave it. I planted the 2 plants seperatly in the miracle grow soil, and now i'm kicking myself now that puffa tells me the MG organic would of been better, as i wasn't sure which of the two to get lol. Oh well, i'm not looking for the best weed in the world, i'm just looking for something to mess me up, and I do plan to take the time to properly dry and cure the buds for a long while to increase taste and potency that way if i get to that stage.

As for lighting, walmart did not have another one of those lights i just bought, or i would of purchased a second, but i do still have the 40w incandescent lamp that would fit right in there for extra light if you guys think it would be worth it. I really don't have the funds to get a great lighting system going, plus i have to keep this stuff kind of hidden and concealed considering my location and inspections every so often.

I just watered the soil to loosen it up for the plants to adapt ok.

Let me know of anything else you guys suggest at this stage, I really appreciate all the comments to date. Plus my main goal is to see whether or not growing decent bud is possible under conditions like mine.

i cant c the pic well but did you put the shiny side down for the aluminum foil??that is a must or your plants will burn up
Yes the shiny side is down, but by luck lol, i didn't know that. Thanks for lookin out!!
i know you are limited to grow space and money to grow with as i am but i advise you find another spot to grow besides under the sink although smokinmom had a successful grow under her sink b4 she was a mod.

u should do what i did....i took a box that my tv came in and lined it with aluminum foil then cut a hole in the top and a hole in the side and stuck a fan in the side and a light in the top and my plant has been goin gr8,i dunno though it should grow under there but u would have better results with my method i think...its cheap and easy the way i like it
hmm, I do have plenty of boxes in my closet i could use, and could easily set it up that way, but the thing is, over the next 3 weeks there will be routine inspections, which involves coming in the bathroom too, so once those inspections are over with, i will take your advice and move them outside the sink into there own box wrapped in foil. Thanks for your input!
no problem but in 3 weeks if u get another bulb your whole bathroom is going to reak so you'll have to move them b4 then im sure of it unless u got an ionic breez or sumthin to eliminate the odor
I do have an ionic breeze, I was planning to use it next to the plants, does it really eliminate the odor like people say?
i have no clue i just herd they work,i dont gotta eliminate the odor i'd rather my house smell like reefer
u wont have to use it until like 3 weeks to a month depending on nutes and light scheduals
Loose the foil need more light...believe me i know your trying with a budget but i find that if you spend a lil more $$$, the end product to your investment will pay off.

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