My Close Call When Scouting Spots!!

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This is the very close call I just had with LEO when scouting for my spot for this years grow!!!!

Since I am planning to plant a garden somewhere outdoors this year, I took a drive out to a spot I have scouted out on google maps that is about 30 miles from my house. I drove around for about 30 minutes just checking out different farm fields. I finally found one place and i pulled to the back over the hill, parked my truck, and unloaded the 4 wheeler. Pretty much as soon as i got on the 4 wheeler i could tell the area looked too traveled and i saw 2 deer stands with no one in them. I went down different trails that appeared to have been made by the bull dozer that was parked there and finally came back out of the woods by my truck. I rode around the field once and then i saw another truck pull in with a trailer and 4 wheeler. I had seen some other trucks with trailers in different fields earlier and just thought it was another rider. I rode to the back of the field and came back around and saw he parked pretty far away from me and thought he was just some other rider who was probably just as freaked about me being there. I then rode over to the next field over that i had noticed on the way in and rode around there for a minute and then came back to the first field. As I was pulling in another vehicle pulled in and blocked the back of my trailer and the first truck was in front of mine. The guy that pulled behind me was the land owner and he was VERY mad.They called the sheriff and held me there for tresspassing. Then he called some other people and told them to meet ther sheriff at the corner to show him where we were. Some other truck pulled up with 2 guys in it too. They said they thought i would just get a ticket if i don't have priors (which i don't) but that still would suck. It took the sherif so long to get there that they just called back and told them not to even come cause they had to go somewhere. I wish I had asked the guy about some places to grow pretending I plan to ride there. Sorry if this is too long or boring but Im stoned and it was pretty scarry when it was happening. Imagine if it was harvest or transport time!!! I guess it made me a little wiser and smarter about how the little things get you caught.
its against the law for anyone to hold you anywhere against your will. its called false imprisonment.. if you could have got in your truck and left there would have been nothing they could do but give the cops your tag number.. they commited a crime when they blocked you in and wouldn't let you leave.. when the cops got there you could have pressed charges for false imprisonment.. they still would have charged you with trespassing though. things like that are always good to know..
Yo Ho BagSeed,
I got cornered by some yahoo's once that were just bored and looking for a hippy to stomp. When I got off my wheeler, I could've taken an acadamy award for best performance of a total cripple. Had anyone of them hit me they would have been so shined on as to make you feel sorry for them. Sometimes I play a tad slow or stupid, especially to the cops. It's all a cool playground if you look at it that way. Just a big adventure with just the right amount of twists and turns.
Us olders look at it like this;
1. If your going to be on stage then you might as well Fred Astaire it.
2. If you can't dance, then sing.
3. Can't sing, then tell a joke.
4. No Joke ?? Then at least look good. LOL

smoke in peace
KingKahuuna :cool:
well actually they have this thing called citizens (think thats spelled right)arrest and they can hold u if you are doing somethin illegal and since he was on their property technically they could had shot him and say it was self defense.
be safe
i think it depends on what state your in. i know here in ga if they aren't in your house you can't shoot them.. when was the last time or anytime for that matter that you seen or heard of a citizens arrest. i live in a back woods town full of rednecks and i've never seen or heard of one for real.. its still false imprisonment in ga.
I have a feeling that my false imprisonment cries would have fallen on deaf ears if the cop had shown up. He had the dispatch number on his cell phone and knew like 5 sheriffs names when he was talking to them and telling them who to send. He also knew who owned all the fields and it seems like he knew pretty much everyone within 5 miles from hearing him and his buddies talking, lol...
oh im not sayin they would have to listen to it but in ga its against the law. if they force you to stay somewhere you don't wanna stay the cops have to pursue it if you press charges. im in no way sayin that you were in a good position and laws can bite you in the arse because they change them to suit their needs. if it wasn't his land what was it to him to hold you there or even stop you. if it wasn't his land he was trespassing to.. sounds like you lucked up either way. i always ride my four wheeler when scouting new spots. if it looks traveled then i don't even waste my time. all it takes is one trail rider or hiker to lose a patch.
slowmo77 said:
if it wasn't his land what was it to him to hold you there or even stop you. if it wasn't his land he was trespassing to..
It was his land though.
bigb said:
well actually they have this thing called citizens (think thats spelled right)arrest and they can hold u if you are doing somethin illegal and since he was on their property technically they could had shot him and say it was self defense.
be safe

Citizen's Arrest is only applicable to felonies. I don't believe that trespassing is a felony. Shooting somebody for trespassing is definitely excessive force. If you shoot somebody for trespassing, prepare yourself for a bunch of prison time.
So you were trespassing on someone's property with a 4 wheeler looking for a place to grow??? If I was the land owner I would not have been so nice. Use your head next time.
FlyByNight said:
Citizen's Arrest is only applicable to felonies. I don't believe that trespassing is a felony. Shooting somebody for trespassing is definitely excessive force. If you shoot somebody for trespassing, prepare yourself for a bunch of prison time.

As a local copper used to say; Put a warning shot through the head then one in the air.

Plant a weapon; dead trespasser.
thats what makes it hard to grow outside here.where i live,there are lots of people thats all they do,ride around looking for someones plants to steal.i've heard lots of talk at the local watering hole.i sure wanted to say something,but thought better not to.dang theives.
What has happened to asking permission first?

I am a landowner that has some nice areas to fish. I have NEVER denied a person access to these great fishing holes when they have asked permission. These nice and considerate people are few and far between.

Number of people allowed to continue fishing after being spotted trespassing. ZERO

I think maybe next time I would ask permission to shoot woodchucks or something first. And always clean up your area better than you found it, its not hard to do. This is just my $0.02
Sorry, but I have some compassion for the landowner. I would venture a guess that if the Sheriff is on "speed dial" and he knows the deputies that he has trespassing problems frequently. It is just not cool to trespass on someone else's property---and you were on a 4-wheeler looking for a place to grow...
Yeah sorry bagseed you would have met godspeeds ugly side. Like pc duck said, why not find a good place to grow, get permission to hunt it or fish it and then put a few out where they wont be found. You just don't drive around on someone's property with a friggin 4 wheeler that you dont have permission to be on in the first place. People don't take that chit lightly. Some people sue landowners if they get hurt on their property, and yes slomo people get shot every day for less. Be careful and use your head for something other than a hat rack.
And what is all this talk about "redneck's" with guns shooting. I take offense to this because I am a redneck and I wouldn't shoot someone for trespassing. In my neck of the woods, and we are all redneck's here, the annual homicide rate is 0 but outside of my area where the "citidiots" dwell the weekly homicide rate is 4 or more. I think the term "redneck" has definitely gotten a bad name and has been associated with the wrong crowd. Besides I am willing to bet that half the people on this forum are rednecks and love to get stoned.
The Hemp Goddess said:
Sorry, but I have some compassion for the landowner. I would venture a guess that if the Sheriff is on "speed dial" and he knows the deputies that he has trespassing problems frequently. It is just not cool to trespass on someone else's property---and you were on a 4-wheeler looking for a place to grow...

I wouldn't like it at all if I was growing a few plants on my own property and was having trespassers all the time......
Well not only that but they could have been farmers and bonehead was cruising their fields with his 4 wheeler; they don't like their fields being torn up. Land has become a very hot commodity and people take their property very seriously.

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