My Close Call When Scouting Spots!!

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Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blockin out the scenery, breaking my mind...
..DO this
DON'T do that
...can't you read the signs?
All trespassers will be cheerfully beaten to a pulp!
Is that the sign you need?:rolleyes:
Lol so you got busted for trespassing and that freaked you out. You are going to need a bigger set to play this game bud. Try keeping your cool with live plants in your vehicle after you've been pulled over. Main thing is, stay calm, stay cool, and admit nothing. Also trespassing is a horrible crime, but only if you get caught. Nothing wrong with poking around on someone else's land as long as you are respectful and stealthy haha. When I lived closer to the mountains I used to flyfish a lot of streams and sometimes I needed to cross a farmers field to get there. Not once have I been denied permission when I asked for it. Another good piece of advice for scouting is that nobody (here in Alberta anyways) can block or deny access to a natural body of water, except the government. Also all land around a body of water is considered public land up to the historical highwater mark. What this means is that if you stay on the shores of rivers and lakes you can go anywhere you want and noone can say anything to you.
Tater said:
... trespassing is a horrible crime, but only if you get caught. Nothing wrong with poking around on someone else's land as long as you are respectful and stealthy haha..... Not once have I been denied permission when I asked for it.

That is a good way of getting hurt. If you have never been denied way not ask all the time?

Tater said:
Another good piece of advice for scouting is that nobody (here in Alberta anyways) can block or deny access to a natural body of water, except the government. Also all land around a body of water is considered public land up to the historical highwater mark. What this means is that if you stay on the shores of rivers and lakes you can go anywhere you want and noone can say anything to you.

Down here in the States the private property owner owns the land under the creeks and streams that cross their land. If the water is navigable water, then you may boat across it. But if the private property owner wants to they could deny you to anchor or hunt, (since your shotgun pellets would be landing on their property). On the great lakes the state owns the land under the water and they are still in court on the definition of what is high or low water marks are useable. Just $0.02 on something simple, just get permission.
Does anyone know where to find maps of public land in your state? I tried google but couldn't find any detailed maps.
Try a sporting goods store and look for topographical maps. Hikers use them. I have seen them before.
I must say that I really disagree with growing on private property owned buy someone else. You're putting that person in a bad situation if you get caught or if the plants are found. Imagine the newspaper field day if your caught in the act on private property.

I do take protecting my property fairly seriously because of the local drug problem. If it's not chained down or locked up don't leave it outside. I'm lucky enough to have some property to grow on. I know that's hard to find but if I didn't have that I would plant in the woods.

I have "no trespassing" signs and "beware of dog" signs clearly posted. My dog is a Schutzhund II, an APBT weighing in around 108 lbs. 90% of the time he's a big couch potato baby but he does have the training to protect. (I train dogs as a hobby and for competitive purposes.) If I see someone trespassing I cut him loose, go get a gun(in case they have one and hurt my dog), and call the police. In the state of PA your dog can bite someone with no legal ramifications if they are willfully trespassing and you have signs posted. Because of his training he will only grab an arm and he settles down once people quit squirming so much. I have caught two trespassers this way in the last 8 years, but if you are on my property you climbed over a fence and saw the signs. The local police seemed to be quite amused with this and both people on my property were caught with meth. One had several warrants out for previous break in and enterings.

I guess what I'm saying is, you better be careful trespassing, especially looking to do something illegal on someone else's property. Be glad it wasn't my property or someone like me. You never know how far someone might go to protect their land and home.
slowmo77 said:
i think it depends on what state your in. i know here in ga if they aren't in your house you can't shoot them.. when was the last time or anytime for that matter that you seen or heard of a citizens arrest. i live in a back woods town full of rednecks and i've never seen or heard of one for real.. its still false imprisonment in ga.

Actually it was just passed in GA.. If a person is on your property and is threatening you you CAN shoot them.... "He tried to run me over with his four-wheeler!!!" .....Bang.

Either way.. the moral of this story is STAY OFF OF OTHER FOLKS LAND!
around here, yeah you might get shot trespassing. and a heads up to the original poster about 4 wheelers, i have a friend who has quite a bit of property in a pretty populated area (near tampa, fl). he is CONSTANTLY dealing with atv's running through his property, many times destroying property and definitely scaring away wild game which he does hunt often (he pulls wild boars out probably no less than 1 month and they're still rampant!). it is vastly better to go on a bicycle for this sorta thing as it draws less attention, you could always have a map and play the looking for a shortcut, sorry, thing, but the atv is outright trespassing "for fun" or whatever and it draws a lot of attention.

not sure what state you live in, but in florida if they are on your property and you get them trespassed there are legal avenues the owner can take and can legally confiscate whatever equipment you brought on his land (ie your truck, trailer and atv if they were all on his land). maybe your state is different. also, we're a "castle doctrine state" which means your home is your castle and you can defend it accordingly, and some folks do. better to be on a state park, and i know most people think they're over run but private property you need to have a good way in and out if it's someones homestead because they'll be there and if they see you call the cops or worse.

anyway, just a heads up bro, good thing you didn't get worse, a lot of farmers might have one or two kids giving them a hard time on atv's then here you come and they take that pent up anger out on you, because to them you're just another one of the atv riders spooking his cattle.
Well there was no house on this property, it was purely farm land and apperantly for this guy it was the family hang out spot. I am thinking that areas around power lines might be better because those would be owned by the government I am assuming. Also, there are no state parks within a 2 hour drive from me other than some that are too small.
If you live in the US the power companies are not owned or ran by the government. More than likely the power companies only have easements to the land.
Bagseed I would not recommend growing on other peoples property. The security issues alone are a good enough reason. You can get a state land map from your states department of natural resources(DNR). When growing state land find a place away from established trails with limited access. The less traffic the less likely someone is going to stumble across your grow. I would find a thicket and create a clearing inside it. If you are sloppy it could cost you all your hard work plus more.

Good luck
dank.bud76 said:
around here, yeah you might get shot trespassing. and a heads up to the original poster about 4 wheelers, i have a friend who has quite a bit of property in a pretty populated area (near tampa, fl). he is CONSTANTLY dealing with atv's running through his property, many times destroying property and definitely scaring away wild game which he does hunt often (he pulls wild boars out probably no less than 1 month and they're still rampant!). it is vastly better to go on a bicycle for this sorta thing as it draws less attention, you could always have a map and play the looking for a shortcut, sorry, thing, but the atv is outright trespassing "for fun" or whatever and it draws a lot of attention.

not sure what state you live in, but in florida if they are on your property and you get them trespassed there are legal avenues the owner can take and can legally confiscate whatever equipment you brought on his land (ie your truck, trailer and atv if they were all on his land). maybe your state is different. also, we're a "castle doctrine state" which means your home is your castle and you can defend it accordingly, and some folks do. better to be on a state park, and i know most people think they're over run but private property you need to have a good way in and out if it's someones homestead because they'll be there and if they see you call the cops or worse.

anyway, just a heads up bro, good thing you didn't get worse, a lot of farmers might have one or two kids giving them a hard time on atv's then here you come and they take that pent up anger out on you, because to them you're just another one of the atv riders spooking his cattle.

I too,, live in Florida and have seen these ATV's tearing peoples land up. 1st off if ya gonna grow on someone's property,,,grow on your own property,, or how about a place on a river,,,, on state property. I was born and raised in a State that if ya got caught on someone's land,,, they could and would shoot ya(TEXAS)
in my neighborhood (3 houses none closer than 1/4 mile from each other), the neighbors are welcome on each others property at any time. it's a mutual deal since we are all avid deer hunters, and are into managing our herd. BUT if you don't belong here you get one warning, the next time you NEVER leave.
You don't want to be anywhere near a powerline, that property is regularly trimmed and up kept. There is a reason they run through the middle of the woods but the grass is short for fifteen feat in all directions.

Find some deep woods, wait until after hunting season is over and follow a dear trail into the middle of some thickets, you can then clear out a spot and plant whatever you want. If the bushes are jagged enough no one will go in there outside of hunting season. During hunting season, no land or bushes are thick enough to keep me or my fellow hunters from following a big buck!!! Big bucks beware, I might have used my doe tags already but one of you boys will be steaks and sausage!
Maybe the land owner was growing some pot! If i was the land owner, and saw you 4 wheelin around, and i was growing pot, i probably woulda wanted to bury you somewhere. no offense. Of course, i was growing in my back yard, and i decided that if i did see thieves, i wasnt going to do anything... just let them take it. It's not worth losing, or taking a life over in my opinion. Although, i hate thieves.

Plus, if i would have taken a life and the cops would have came and seen 20 + plants in my back yard, i would be with some of my fellow friends and family in san quintin right now.

Again, Is someone stealing your plants worth prison time? To me, thats hells property, and i dont plan on venturing into that land. Just a thought...
I dont know, i agree that if someone else had the intent of growing on my land, i would be pretty upset (upset being the nice word of going about things considering i cant cuss on the forum) But again, IS ALL OF THIS LOSING A LIFE OVER?! A METH HEAD GETS ON YOUR PROPERTY, AND YOU KILL HIM!? JUST BECAUSE HE IS THERE?!?!?! (im not refering to the meth head and dog attack, just an example i made up)

I could see a dog, and lethal protection if your seriously feeling threatened, but not just for trespassing. Personally i like to hike for the fun of it and if i stepped on to someone elses land not seeing sign, fences or anything, i wouldn't want to be shot.

Not to put anyone down, and start arguements, But i think its pretty old fashioned and inhumane.....

You got to think about the brighter things! I HAVE AN ANGER ISSUES SOMETIMES! I BIG ONE! but hurting people is not on my agenda. its KARMA
I know you said not my case specifically but my land is fenced off and I have "no trespassing" signs, "posted" signs, and "beware of dog" signs everywhere. Some of my property is not fenced in, people can and do whatever they want there. I find beer cans and trash in that area all the time and it really makes me mad, but people don't know it's private property, they just see a dirt road to hide out on. I don't like it but what are you gonna do. But if you ignore my signs and climb over my fence, I will do what I feel necessary to make sure you don't make the same mistake twice. I don't go out of my way to hurt people but there is no reason to climb my fence and be in my property.

For me it's not that I feel threatened, it's that I'm sick and tired of having my property vandalized and people trying to take my things. I have a shed with a quad, a tiller, a nice push mower and a riding tractor. I keep all my tools in there as well. I also have a few vehicles on my property that I don't want anyone touching. I would rather catch someone and call the police then just let it go. I have worked hard for what I have, no one is going to take that away from me. I'm not going to kill someone who is just trying to steal and not posing harm to me, but I certainly will see to it that they are caught in the act and then can explain there actions to the police, me, and my pup.
pimpdaddycoolz said:
.... but hurting people is not on my agenda. its KARMA

I am pretty sure that is it on nobody agenda here to hurt, maim,or cause physical harm to another person.

When you have trespassers stealing in to the 10's of thousands of dollars from your property in scrap and whatnot, a person may get a little ticked off. Then to top it off many trespassers believe that they have a right to be on your land, so they get angry and who knows what they are packing. And this is after going thru a gate with all the signs saying stay out trespassing.

Many wars have been fought over, when one country trespasses on to another country's land.

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