My 2nd try at a grow. micro grow

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Akirahz: Superthrive is indeed not a fert, it is Vitamins and Hormones 50 different ones to be exact its mainly used for bare root soaking and to get sprouts started faster but is also used to maintain the overall health of any kind of plant.

Thorn: only thing i worry about HPS is heat... i mean ya you can buy a light for 39.99 but then you gotta buy exhaust fans and ducts... how much can you get a whole set up rather?
hey wiseman! was wondering where you went to, pic updates tomorrow morning Alice is Fugly right now compared to how healthy and nice she usually looks. i burnt the crap out of her with my nutes newb mistake but oh well. but most of the leaves coming out of the buds got burnt so not as awsome as she could look
Ganja_Greg said:
Thorn: only thing i worry about HPS is heat... i mean ya you can buy a light for 39.99 but then you gotta buy exhaust fans and ducts... how much can you get a whole set up rather?

Ahh sorry dude, no i'm not sure if you can buy a whole set up. I think if you could the price would be ridiculously high just for the convenience. when i used my hps i didn't need to vent as it was in a pretty cold room (we didn't have any heating in the whole house :S) and there were good air vents too.

Hope Alice looks hotter soon man so we can get some bud porn :D
well now im not so sure alice is chem burnt... seems alot like heat stress now...
OK guys well here is my update for the end of the month of feb... alice is an old b***** now and soon to be a bare one at that!

first off i have a few questions for anyone who wants to answer...

1. Will a 30x loupe be able to see an amber trichrome or will they all look the same with a 30x...

2. Flushing before harvest? what is the point of this when should i be doing it etc...

3. Is this chem burn or heat stress in the pics at the next thread down that show the dmg area's..

alice def isnt looking her best .. which sux cause she should be right now needs some real pro's in here let me know what you guys think about the Damaged area's..


Baby indica , Alice

Feb 29th, 002.jpg

Feb 29th, 003.jpg

Feb 29th, 005.jpg

Feb 29th, 009.jpg

Feb 29th, 010.jpg

Feb 29th, 011.jpg

Feb 29th, 014.jpg

Feb 29th, 016.jpg

Feb 29th, 017.jpg

Feb 29th, 021.jpg

Feb 29th, 020.jpg

Feb 29th, 018.jpg
I wouldnt be worried...most flowering plants show there mature by yellowing like that...i wouldnt be to she has around 4 weeks left right?
Midnight Toker said:
I wouldnt be worried...most flowering plants show there mature by yellowing like that...i wouldnt be to she has around 4 weeks left right?

ya i still think its some kind of chem burn or heat stress... just because dont most plants in flowering eat the big fan leaves that have there own branches then move onto the small ones that are coming off the branches.. as you can see in the pic my plant has taken down quite a few leaves at the bottom kinda creating a bush like a normal plant in flowering thats been LST'ed but my plant is also eating the leaves or getting burnt around the buds which i dont recall seeing happen much... i just dont want all the dieing or burnt leaves slowing down my bud growing... ya well i said i have about 4 weeks left about a week ago sooo.. im going to say i have about a month , month and a half tops just because alot of the pistals are starting to turn yellow and some brown and red... soo i know its gotta be getting close trichromes seem all cloudy/clear id say 90/10 but im not a pro either.
Ganja_Greg said:
1. Will a 30x loupe be able to see an amber trichrome or will they all look the same with a 30x...

2. Flushing before harvest? what is the point of this when should i be doing it etc...

I got a 30X loupe and i struggled at first but didn't really know what to expect, but then I could see very well. They are very cheap so it should be more than adequate for what you need... keep saving that money up for a hps setup :D

Flushing before harvest is to remove any chemicals. its done for many reasons but i think the main one is to remove any chem taste when smoking the final product. If you use organic nutes you won't need to do this.

As for the chem could well be, just give her plain old water for the next week or so and see how she goes, i'm sure she'll be fine :)
thanks thorn , Cola def getting bigger eh?

trimmed acouple pop corn buds off the very bottom of the plant... theres quite a few soo no harm no foul.. drying them going to do some smoke testing today =P the rest of the pop corn buds im leaving cause i think i might reveg alice at harvest..
these are probably going to be some nasty tasting buds lmao... all take some pics of them in a few
Greg, I've heard of people flushing with fruit juices, or molassas for a sweeter flavor. Ever think of trying that??
wont be updating for acouple days guys,, Got banned for 4 days for talking about current world events in the shout box.. i dont know which mod banned me but which ever it was , was out of line IMO. When the banned lifts i will come back on my regular sign in name but probably only to update this and talk to some of the friends ive made on here... as far as making friends with the ppl who run this site.. No more for me

for a marijauna website to Banned me for discussing current events shows what kind of ppl are behind this website.. Scared closed minded coservative old men... Now im not about drama soo im going to end my rant here just thought i would let everything know tho what happened to me yesterday...

This website is a major part of my passion for growing MJ as well as the how i learned in the first place.. and for the men and woman who run it to take that from me is sad =(.. and im not where i thought i was i guess..

PS. banning me dont stop me! MJ is my passion and i will stand up for my right to be here!
oh and benamucc do you know what kind of juice would work?
One more registration, you won't have the ban lifted.
You were warned about the shoutbox behavior. You chose to ignore the warnings.
It seems some of the members think the shoutbox is a different venue. Where they are free to break our site policies. It is NOT.
Mutt posted an "Announcement", asking that things be toned down in there. It was ignored by some.
Mods review the logs daily. We have been "forced" to take action on the violators.
The question of the Shoutbox remaining open, is being discussed.
Blame the ones that refuse to follow the guidelines setup by MarPassion and the staff, to preserve the sanctity and safety of "all" of the members. Not the staff or Administration.
thats crap man. what were u talkin about? seems a bit harsh but i don't know what was said so not gonna comment. I don't really use the shoutbox as i know your not meant to talk about your grow in there and people always are so I just don't use it.

Tough luck man, see you around soon :)
GG,i hear ya mang.IMO things are taken much to seriously on here,I use other forums(seed banks included) and you wont find the same rules there,that you'll find here.

I'll be around waiting for updates mate;)
Then my advice would be to "use those other forums".. :)
you wont find the same rules there
.. that is absolutely correct! THIS is NOT your everyday, run of the mill mj forum. We have rules and we have "standards" that you are required to adhear to and meet, in order to have the priviledge of a membership.
We have always strived to be "better" than those other places. That is why we have rules and requirements. If the "beer and brawls on sawdust floors" is what you desire, those other forums are "your" type. If you prefer "a quiet drink with friends, in a safe well lit environment", MP may be more your type.
We're not going to change our policies. If you arne't willing to abide by them, PLEASE, don't try to change us. Just go where you are more comfortable.. :) Thanks...

Wise Man said:
GG,i hear ya mang.IMO things are taken much to seriously on here,I use other forums(seed banks included) and you wont find the same rules there,that you'll find here.

I'll be around waiting for updates mate;)

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