My 2nd try at a grow. micro grow

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thats what i do just turn the lights on with my cell phone alarm
oh, and i have a new sprout, Purple haze x white widow, gonna cal it "purple people eater"
chronic, where did you get you 'purple haze' seeds from?
mini update

well lots of the orignal branches at the bottom that just have big fan leaves on them are drying up and dieing off.. dunno if i should or should not have done this but i plucked about 2 of the dieing branche/fan leaves and the few other leaves that are dieing off on the bottom i just left so the plant can absord there nutrients.

buds are an inch tall at each site. hairs getting really long hasnt quite adjusted to the last LST but top as bent back atleast.. i havnt touched her much or moved her around just trying to let her do her thing. ive been watering her 14 oz of water every 2 days. to much? to little? opinions!

thanks for readin guys GG,

Pics in acouple more days. maybe tomorrow
oh, and i stopped my grow, my probation officer found it, thank god she didnt report it as long as i ripped it up and flushud it in front of her :(
bummer chronic.....but better than taking any more penalties.


its normal for the lowest fan leaves to start turnin yellow and diein off.

as for pluckin them......??? i always leave mine on til they fall off with the touch.

How do you know you plant needz 14 oz of water? that sounds like a low amount of water to me but then again mine are fed 27 gallons daily LOL :headbang2:
well its a micro grow , and im using a lined bean can to grow it , about an inch taller then a big coffee can. i was told that you water until water starts coming out of the bottom.. soo just curious what maybe the micro growers out there are watering.. 27 gallons! my god man what do you have a frickin crop?
i have no idea how much i water my one plant, i jus water and feed it whenever i think it needs it but generally every 2-3 days. As long as the plant looks healthy GG it should be fine, and heck you've brought it this far ok :) Don't worry too much about the leaves starting to yellow and die off, i think thats just what generally happens when the plant starts putting all its energy into budding.

When we gonna get our next picture update? :D
Hey thorn thanks!
Update Feb 14 2008,
Subject: Alice

Well guys everythings been going good , shes growing buds at a slow crawl like any sativa.. totally adapted to last LST branches started stretching accordingly, the 2nd lst was mainly done because of height restrictions.

the sprouts... , the bagseed is indica dominate. and probably 5x bigger then the purple sativa in there with it.. thinking bout getting sativa out of there and getting the indica ready for when i do the chop on alice i want to be able to grow 1-2 plants while im smoking the pot off the last 2 plants.. anyways guys enough jibber jabber heres the pics enjoy

and again thanks for stoping by and taking the time to give me your opinions!
ps. sorry bout creep man feet in top left.

budding buds 001.jpg

budding buds 002.jpg

budding buds 003.jpg

budding buds 004.jpg

budding buds 005.jpg

budding buds 006.jpg

budding buds 007.jpg

budding buds 008.jpg

budding buds 009.jpg

budding buds 010.jpg
She's a primo bush, the younguns are looking good as well.. -- can play count the bud-sites on that bush of yours
thanks akirahz, plucked the purple sativa sprout i had , it wasnt growing anymore i have it soaking it water just incase i decide to put it in its own cup. and i decided i would keep the bigger indica dominate plant over it and try my luck with some bagseed.
looking good man...there's a sure fight there for tallest cola haha!
thx thorn, just waiting and waiting... this weed better be really good! next grow im going for strains that are just naturally small, like lowrider or somthing else indica then all dwarf those probably have like 5-6 of them.. i dont wanna be stressed about height and what not next time!

anyways guys i think i probably will try to harvest in 5-6 weeks of course depending on how everything looks , jewelers loupe coming in mail today i belive so all be able to get up close and check whats going on.

anyways guys its time for some bud.. peace!

yea i love them really white frosty strains like ice and chrystal though never grown them and never tasted them but man would i love to. When i bought my afghan seeds i almost got Chrystal instead but it was my first try so got something more resiliant.
GG would you, well, after all you've been through, would you suggest doing this kinda thing for those who don't have much space? Also whats the size of your grow box?

Cheers man, you got one sweet looking plant there!
Smoking homegrown has gotta be such a feelin :p ...
Sebstarr said:
GG would you, well, after all you've been through, would you suggest doing this kinda thing for those who don't have much space? Also whats the size of your grow box?

Cheers man, you got one sweet looking plant there!
Smoking homegrown has gotta be such a feelin :p ...

hey sebstarr thanks for stopping by man! my box is about 40" tall and 20" wide both ways... i can grow like a 2' plant maybe alittle more etc..

i would def suggest doing this if space is an issue , micro growing can be really fun and a great challenge at the same time.. you dont need 100's of dollars to grow upscale bud. Wheather you want to grow one plant or a few theres always a strain for the job as well..

as far as smoking my own homegrown i think i should know that feeling in about 4 weeks =) maybe alittle more..

if space is a major issue sebstarr i would personally recomend the strain lowrider and its relatives or indica dominate plants, and if you cant order seeds then you will be like me and will just have to try your luck with random bagseeds.. which isnt always bad especially if the bag you got it from was REALLY good. ( aka purple kush =). )

I would not suggest doing tall sativa strains in a micro grow unless you plan on doing 12/12 from start and LST and a small pot and constant damp soil...

I would also not suggest High wattage HPS lighting in small grow boxes... pretty much HPS + micro grow = your own personal plant cooker.. with 6 CFL's in my grow box i cant barely keep the heat regulated... so you get the point , hope this info helps man if you have any other questions just send me a private message or check out some of the other micro grow journal on the site , i know Thorn is actively doing one and a few others like akirahz and midnight toker i think

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