Those kids look real good. I don't see any problems. Do yu check the ph of the water that yu give them? do yu feed with every watering? do yu check ph after mixing in nutes with water? If the ph is off when yu water, they may not be taking up the water as well due to a lockout and by the time it balances itself, most of it has run through. But they will drink a lot of water, especially if yer growroom is real warm and real dry. The leaf fall of is not unusual during flower, but if they are drying, dying, and falling off while still green there may be something else going on. I just found out yesterday that a few gnats that were in my growroom were actually a thrip infestation that was killing and eating the leaves off the lower parts of the plants.(the leaves were turning sort of grey, drying up and falling off) And yu couldn't see them unless yu real close at some dark specks.