MMJ Caregivers

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♥ ςticky icky
Feb 26, 2009
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Are any of you caregivers out there? I am trying to become one and have actually talked to a couple people with cards who are interested in making me their primary caregiver. What are reasonable prices to be charging these patients? Ounces on the "black market" go for around $320 here. And I understand that they would not be paying me for my product- they would be paying for my time, electric bills, etc.

I just don't want to charge too much, but I do feel this work is worth something. We all know it isn't easy and is very time consuming.

What do you think?

And the fact that caregivers can only have 2 oz of "usable" marijuana in possession, and up to 6 marijuana plants with 3 or less being mature plants is crap. That is just not enough.
And the fact that caregivers can only have 2 oz of "usable" marijuana in possession, and up to 6 marijuana plants with 3 or less being mature plants is crap.
per exemptee/patient??..
If you aren't producing in excess of '2 oz' per 3 plants, you need to do "something" different. ;)
If you're doing it for the money, IMO, you again should be doing something different. "IMO" ..Caregiver... is just that, someone who "cares" and "gives".
If you're doing it out of passion for the plant and growing, and COMpassion for the needy, then do it "at cost". :confused2:...
It really gives you on opportunity to "feel good".. about yourself.
To me if your putting your life aside ie. Job-Vactions ect.. a small profit to feed yourself and pay your bills isn't at all wrong, I mean if your tending mutiple gardens for multiple MMJ users then there's no way you could have a job plus tend to all your Med users so just to sustain your life you'd have to make some profit wouldn't you? Just my opinion don't want to ruffle any feathers!

I would say what would i like to pay? swag prices 50 a1/4 oz. MAX but i only smoke a 1/4 a week. Cost a lot less to grow. would they be helpin you in any way growin?

But thats just what i would and can afford to pay.

some people may not be able to pay that and i would help people like that out as much as i could.

and help them get started to get there own grow going.
Its because of them why you have there plants so i woulld give them clones at no price, to get them started . Help out as much as i could.
Hick said:
per exemptee/patient??..
If you aren't producing in excess of '2 oz' per 3 plants, you need to do "something" different. ;)
If you're doing it for the money, IMO, you again should be doing something different. "IMO" ..Caregiver... is just that, someone who "cares" and "gives".
If you're doing it out of passion for the plant and growing, and COMpassion for the needy, then do it "at cost". :confused2:...
It really gives you on opportunity to "feel good".. about yourself.

Yes Hick- it is 2 ounces and 6 plants with no more than 3 being mature per patient. I mean what is mature? I can have mature plants in veg and in flower- so what now? To me that is a problem. And no the problem isn't in producing 2 ounces with 3 plants- the problem is producing MORE than 2 ounces with 3 plants. The whole idea was just not thought out well- obviously by a bunch of well-meaning suits who have never grown marijuana, yet alone smoked it. They don't understand the concept of mother plants, etc.

And yes- of course I'm doing it for a little money but by me creating this thread it should be obvious I'm not trying to screw anybody over. I'm trying to get some insight on what is fair. This is a new business that is emerging and I figure I might as well try to jump aboard. And I believe it is a special skill that deserves to be paid for. If I didn't know how to grow and I had a MMJ license I wouldn't mind paying someone to grow quality bud for me. It is how this all works. I don't know the patients personally but I'm sure they would be more than willing to pay money for some quality bud too.

People don't get by charging "at cost." And personally- I can get paid to do something and still "feel good" about doing it. I really just wanted to get an idea of what people thought was a FAIR price to charge, or what the regular way of doing it is. I'm not going to be like the dispensaries around here and charge $400 an ounce- so in my eyes I would be doing people a favor.

And also I hope you know I am compassionate about this hobby from my participation and journals on this forum-

A wise man once said:
If you're good at something, never do it for free.
IMHO...and yes I agree with Hick:giggle: I do it outta :heart: i give what is considered to be over my limit of dried those that truely need and appriciate it..i dont worrie the cost it would cost them if they was to pay on not a street dealer..And here in Washington you need to be listed as a caregiver..and then paitients contact you..this is scary to me as I am new to MMJ..and this state is still battleing..laws..Growingreen...grow some quality meds the patients will come..take care of them first..dont worry $$$ if its truely from you :heart: you will be paid 10 fold...and the instant gradifacation is when one of those patients call you and say " That is the best I have had in a long time..." ..." WOW..just a few hits and pains gone..Thanks"...and if ya do sell you like Hick said " at cost " good luck 2U..take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
GrowinGreen said:
Yes Hick- it is 2 ounces and 6 plants with no more than 3 being mature per patient. I mean what is mature? I can have mature plants in veg and in flower- so what now? To me that is a problem. And no the problem isn't in producing 2 ounces with 3 plants- the problem is producing MORE than 2 ounces with 3 plants. The whole idea was just not thought out well- obviously by a bunch of well-meaning suits who have never grown marijuana, yet alone smoked it. They don't understand the concept of mother plants, etc.

And yes- of course I'm doing it for a little money but by me creating this thread it should be obvious I'm not trying to screw anybody over. I'm trying to get some insight on what is fair. This is a new business that is emerging and I figure I might as well try to jump aboard. And I believe it is a special skill that deserves to be paid for. If I didn't know how to grow and I had a MMJ license I wouldn't mind paying someone to grow quality bud for me. It is how this all works. I don't know the patients personally but I'm sure they would be more than willing to pay money for some quality bud too.

People don't get by charging "at cost." And personally- I can get paid to do something and still "feel good" about doing it. I really just wanted to get an idea of what people thought was a FAIR price to charge, or what the regular way of doing it is. I'm not going to be like the dispensaries around here and charge $400 an ounce- so in my eyes I would be doing people a favor.

And also I hope you know I am compassionate about this hobby from my participation and journals on this forum-

A wise man once said:
If you're good at something, never do it for free.

Comon' now GG.. I'm sure those dispensaries think $400 p/oz is "fair"..
Does ripping them off less, constitute "fair" or a "favor"?
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be compenstaed for your materials, supplies, time and effort. BUT.. if you are looking to "make money", then open a dispensary and pay the taxes, permits, business liscence, ect.
* A caregiver is defined by law as a person, other than the patient and the patient's physician, who is eighteen years of age or older and has significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a patient who has a debilitating medical condition.

If you're a "Caregiver" .."give" care".. THAT is what the caregiver status was implemented/written for. IMO NOT for profiteeering/"business" (your words) :confused2:
And no the problem isn't in producing 2 ounces with 3 plants- the problem is producing MORE than 2 ounces with 3 plants.........That is just not enough
Now you're just confusing me..;)
But, if you're rotating your crops in a 6week-8week cycle, 2 oz's should get "most" patients through. In addition, no one in CO has ever been arrested or prosecuted if they were "close" to the legal limitations.(none that I could find with my research)
While I agree w/ you on the "well meaning suits", at least you're growing without fear of prosecution, right?

A wise man once said:
If you're good at something, never do it for free
was he a pimp?...:rofl:..
Thread deleted by GrowinGreen
Reason: We greatly disagree and I will do as I please

Oh really.....not on my watch....that can be fixed real fast with that kinda attitude.
Don't mind peeps deleting there own threads for finding the answer on there own or feel that it didn't "fit", but not as a manipulation tactic or to censor an open conversation on an important views on mmj becuase it didn't go your way.
won't ban ya, but made sure no more deleted threads by you for now...that courtesy has just been taken away from you for the time being. Sick of seeing threads like this...reasons given to attack mods "behind the scenes"
We are cpable of discussing views without ending up in is possible ya know people. and the ones that have been doin the know who you are. lil tired of it here. Goes for one goes for all.
believe me this is a hard question to answer. what constitutes "at cost"? besides the expenses you listed, your time is worth money. If I can get a 9 to 5 and earn $50,000/yr, and growing is a "full time job" for you, then you should charge patients an amount such that you would earn a similar amount as you do with a regular job.

dispensaries will take your extra bud for $3000-$4500 per lb. depending on quality (which they resell at DOUBLE the price). i assume your patients usually take an oz or two at a time. hypothetically, if I was the caregiver I would charge MAXIMUM the same wholesale price, which works out to $190-$280/oz.

However, imo its better and more rewarding to recover costs by "donating" your extra bud to dispensaries, and give the patients meds for FREE.
Most deals I see with caregivers is... You supply your rec, they grow your plants and you get a pre-agreed to amount at no cost. The rest goes to the grower. For example: You give up your rec, they grow your six (or whatever) plants. Out of that you get 1 or 2 pounds. If they can pull 2 pounds or more per plant... Well, you get the idea. With a handful of recs the growers can do very well for themselves. This is a business arrangement, make no mistake. The 'caring' and 'giving' gets a bit confused. I am not giving up any trade secrets here, it's pretty much common knowledge anywhere. I am not bashing either. The patients get what they need for basically doing nothing and the growers are nicely compensated and then some while doing ALL the work, providing of course a pound or two will last you for an entire year.

If you are following this formula (somewhat) then charging for the meds at the end, the last thing in the world you might truthfully call yourself is a caregiver. Face it, your gonna benefit on both ends. You wouldn't be growing at all if you were not planning on all the smoke you could want being provided to you by this arrangement. Isn't that enough? No need to charge on top of it. Show your heart and be thankful for what they are doing for you.
Well your banned now growingreen, but can read this just can't reply...
in your latest deletion reason "you lied" nope just have to fine tune a few settings on the user group you just helped create...until then you can just sit out for a few days.
Sorry folks for posting this in the thread....but it was an attack on every member who replied in here to express there views as well as the staff. not going to fly here.
I don't care if you disagree with the replies....we disagree with your views....but we had the courtesy NOT to delete the thread and cover up your views. Very selfish on your part IMO.
you asked what we thought...they told got mad at the replies and deleted the thread..not one was bashing you. just expressing their opinions...opinions you asked for.

growingreen said:
What do you think?

careful what you ask for you just might get it...but is no reason to delete threads to hide the views of others.
Thread deletion is really just for the staff...we ALLOW everyone to have the option to delete there own is an option we can easily turn off for everyone.
thanks Mutt for allowing this to run its corse...I was wondering what happen to posts I have replied in and now are gone..I understand more clearly now...

GrowGreen..please leave threads up as they are helpfull for new members..and if ya dont like what someone( even me) has said..why not PM them your thaughts..not in open forrum...good luck to you and see ya in a few days:ciao:
Hick and Nvthis nailed it both.

First off, it tottally depends on your States Definition of "Caregiver". IE. Caregiver was redifined in Cali as a Person who is responsible for Daily needs of the patient. This includes meals,housecleaning,and OVERALL care of the person you are a Caregiver for. Growing and supplying MMJ is not acceptable to be a caregiver in Cali.

I know in MT, a caregivers only responsibility CAN be ONLY overseeing the "patients" MMJ grow/use.

So, alot depends on your states law governing Caregivers.

I agree with Nvthis too on this point. When "caregivers" were open to all here, It worked fair and easy, for most folks....

A "caregiver" would grow the alloted plants for the "patient", and the Patient DID not pay anything at aLL, as the "Patient" is hooking you up and allowing you to grow thier plant numbers for them. The "Caregiver" paid for everything, and at harvest, split the harvest with the Patient. The "half" you got for growing is more then enough to cover your costs. The "patient" should not have to pay anything, imo.

I allways thought that the "caregiver" method of protection was more of a scam then anything else, because it was easy to take advantage of by unscoupulous folks, and I am glad it was redefined in our State.
On the $400 an OZ gig.....This is not the Average price at a dispensary. Not even close, in fact, it is the MINORITY of prices. You can get a zip for $200-$400.
This might throw some wood on the fire but....Most folks Can't grow the quality, or have the strain, to even grow herb that goes for top dollar. Not talkin' crap folks, I'm just sayin'. Unfortunatly, the strains that get top $ are harder to find then DB Cooper.

This is based on the CLubs I have been to in and around the Bay Area. Sad to say...but I know alot of Clubs in the greater Los Angeles area DO charge more, and I am SURE that as dispensaries open in other States, they too will charge as high as they can.

It takes dedicated, KIND, and truly caring Folks to operate a dispensary that supplies fair prices and quality herb. As these new states are beggining to allow Dispensary distribution, it is YOU, the patients and the the folks in that Community to be involved and "police" these clubs. It takes time. It takes someone to stand up and operate a dispensary with conviction. Don't lump all of them in the same boat. If you do not like the way a Dispensary is ran, then grow a pair and start your own. We are in America.
GG....I understand your frustration w/ the "legal" limits/laws/definitions and the "grey" area here. They make it virtually impossible to abide for OD growers. No way, is "two ounces" going to supply a patient for an entire year, and 'that' is the defined 'legal' limit for the amount one is allowed to possess. The law has its faults and undefined parameters, but it is better than 37 other states(50 states[err is it 57 :p] less the 13 with mmj legislation).
I don't mean to sound harsh or berating, nor was it directed at you "personally". But at caregivers in general.."caregiver" is defined in the mmj application exactly as I quoted above. No where does it define or imply caregiver as a business opportunity/arrangement. I don't believe it was ever intended to be. In fact, Co has attempted "IMO" to deter the "profiteers" and "dope dealers" by placing these limitations on mmj card holders and caregivers. The problem is, it simply doesn't work well for "everyone".
If you want to smoke for recreational purposes, fine. I believe you should be allowed. But don't do it under the guise of medical need...

Lets face it, it isn't a "40 hour a week job". I've been closely associated with, or involved in agriculture most of my life. Only if you're growing on a HUGE scale(far far beyond any legal limitations) is this line of "gardening" going to consume 40 hours p/week. (product testing disallowed..:p)
That said, I won't put on a 'holier than thou' attitude, I have on occasion sold a bag or two in my day. I won't attempt to deny that. But I am NOT in business, nor have I ever expected to be paid or charged anyone that I held a card to grow for. I have accepted donations of soil, nutes, ect. but never have I said "this is going to cost you X amount of dollars".

NV brought about an excellent point of view IMO..."they are doing YOU a favor" by giving you some semblance of 'protection'/legality from the just-us system.
Hick said:
Lets face it, it isn't a "40 hour a week job". I've been closely associated with, or involved in agriculture most of my life. Only if you're growing on a HUGE scale(far far beyond any legal limitations) is this line of "gardening" going to consume 40 hours p/week. (product testing disallowed..:p)

Dang it, I was clocking in overtime with that!

But really, this is a fairly true statement, imo. MOST folks do not spend that amount of time, as the scale would be big. But, some collectives out here do have folks that tend the HUGE gardens 40 hours a week. But, that is a Collective grow, with plant numbers exceeding 1000, and yes, they are out there. This is legal in California. But, as we all know, a garden that size attracts Federal LEO. It's such a FINE line. Santa Cruz has huge Gardens like this, and are public about it.
So, my point is each State has it's own "rules" regarding limitations, and Cali has the most liberal (who would have guessed!).

Hick said:
That said, I won't put on a 'holier than thou' attitude, I have on occasion sold a bag or two in my day. I won't attempt to deny that. But I am NOT in business, nor have I ever expected to be paid or charged anyone that I held a card to grow for. I have accepted donations of soil, nutes, ect. but never have I said "this is going to cost you X amount of dollars".

NV brought about an excellent point of view IMO..."they are doing YOU a favor" by giving you some semblance of 'protection'/legality from the just-us system.

Interesting. In your State Hick, If a person delegates you as the Caregiver, then you get to grow thier numbers also? Or, if you grow for multiple folks, you operate under a "collective"? Just curious, it's interesting to see how the other states are starting to handle the "grey areas".

I tottaly agree with the fact that you should NEVER charge the folks that designate you a "caregiver" if your state allows that, because they are tryin' yo protect your butt too. Your job as "caregiver" is to ensure they have thier meds for free, not even at cost imo, but free. If, even off 6 plants, you can't get enough to hook them up for 2-3months, AND have excess to pay for the whole trip, then you shouldn't be a MMJ Caregiver. I understand that it may take folks a while to get a grip on how to grow, but you are doing both the person you are "caregiving" for and yourself a disservice by fronting as a MMJ grower.

Ahhh...Terminology. A simple term like "caregiver" brings up many different opinions in all our eyes. This was a HUGE debate out here, and we all have our own thoughts. That is why we redifined the law and the term "caregiver" because it was too much a legal grey area.
Instead, we allowed collectives to maintain Big grows that support many folks.

Folks, imo, not much has changed man in the last 20 years if you look at the big picture. We are all arguing about what is "MMJ" when we all(at least us older folks) grew and smoked before the term was even coined.
People are going to Smoke it, Grow it and thats that. Us older folks do have "medical" reasons for tokin up now, just because we are older and have more health issues. But, that sure didn't stop us back in the '80s, at least me.
The BEST thing to come from all of this is that "Brick weed" from Mexico and other herb from other countries is almost all gone, or, is fast becoming the way of the dinosaur. The MMJ movement has changed the views on MJ for millions of folks and acceptance is becoming the norm, not the exception.

Some great converstions here lately, very heated, but very informative. Times are changing folks.

I will be out of town for a few daze, so if I don't respond, thats why.
Take care everyone!
So, not being from an MMJ state, I have a couple questions.........

Those of you who are "caregivers" (ie: allowed to grow MJ for a cardholder or patient), are granted the right to possess MJ, right? But are you allowed to possess for yourself? Or are you skirting the law? Are you actually (legally) allowed to possess and use MJ yourself?

Have there been any cases of care-givers, and I'm not referring to abusers, getting arrested for using/possessing MJ themselves? Or is it just not policed or monitored?

Believe me, if I had the opportunity to grow for someone and keep some for myself without fear of retribution, I'd be all over that. The small cost to grow (relative to buying illegally) would be well worth giving away the majority of my harvest so I could keep some for myself.

Very informative folks. Thank you all for your insights.
Yeah, you are pretty much skirting the law. Sort of. Really, as designated caregiver, as long as you stay within the parameters set by the law (plant #'s, possession limits, etc.) there is really no need for them to question what position your stash is holding. Perhaps it is enroute, perhaps it is curing, Maybe it is just taking a freaking nap in your stashbox? I mean really, what are they gonna do?

There have been some instances where leo was very 'uncompassionate' about these things, but the bad press that pulled they're butts up around their ears afterwards has really caused them to have to rethink what they were doing. It has made them a bit gunshy around MMJ.

There was a dude that got busted here not too long ago that had too many plants. The cops didn't even pull the extras. The guy told them that he was growing for another card carrier but couldn't find the paperwork just then. The cops took his word for it and just walked away on promise the guy would produce the paperwork at a later date. That made the local paper. Crazy. Welcome to Cali.

EDIT: As an afterthought.. I think they can still give you grief over possession of para, though...

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