Megans Nirvana NL and Critically Smashed Journal!

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:holysheep: Im Speechless Girl, I Love the Flag! and the BUD!
All I can Say is SWEET!:headbang2:
PS you are an artist girl!
Meagn!!!!! Yo!!!! Wow!!!! This looks so much like my buds! I know what you mean by the hig. It makes you feel dumb but functional dosen't it? I feel RETARDED right now like I don't know what 2+2 equals!!! Thats what NL does to you. Take bong rips and your stoned as HELL and then cure it and you'll get even more stoned.
stonedsmithy said:
Hell yeah megan those are some tasty lookn buds i can almost taste them through my screen minta job gurl
Me too, now can someone tell me how to get the lighter burns off my screen.hehehehe!
:ciao: ..megan..very nice grow..what do you plan to grow now? those budds look " SEXY" lade out on that flag:48:
Hey Megan I am hoping that my buds look as good as yours, but I already lost one of my ladies.
Lerona said:
Me too, now can someone tell me how to get the lighter burns off my screen.hehehehe!

Please tell me you didn't try to freebase some Kif off of your screen for a treat!!!! Your inhaling aluminum!!! That's a no no my good buddy :)

I only know what your talking about because I had this nice 3 screen grinder from EDIT and a buddy did the same thing and now the resin kaked on it won't let kif fall through.

So I bought a Space Case Medium Titanium Alloy grinder from EDIT to make up for it. All better now, and he teeth are literally like mini titanium razors. :holysheep:
I ended up with about a 1/2 a pound off my three girls! That may last me 8 weeks I sure hope so but I doubt it. Still saves me $1000 or more every couple months that I normally would have spent on some smoke that wasnt half as good as this stuff! Hee Hee. I'll never buy bud again! :D
SmokinMom said:
Good job Megan. My grow from last year will last me a few more years, I am still a 4 hit wonder. :p

I remember when an 1/8th would last me two months :D Those were the days. But 1/2 lb dry would last me until next harvest. I hope :D :D :D
Great Job Megan!!! those are some nice lookin buds girl. You should try a sea of green grow next time with lots of clones. Cram as many as you can in there in 1 gallon containers veg for a wk and then flower. You will get lots of single cola plants.
This leads me to beleive my tolerance is way to high. I would smoke about 2-3 oz a month 0.o I pulled a pound off of my 4 ladies and a good amount is already gone :(
DomsChron said:
This leads me to beleive my tolerance is way to high. I would smoke about 2-3 oz a month 0.o I pulled a pound off of my 4 ladies and a good amount is already gone :(

Your not alone in your boat DomsChron, I to have a high tolerance and will soon be running out of da goods. :cry: BUT, heres the good news...I've now got 'somewhat' of an idea of how many more plants im gonna need to grow so hopefully next time ill have more. To tell you the truth:48: the more I have the more I smoke and the more I like to get other folks high especially the ones who think 'their' 'dank', which is purely beasters :rolleyes: is good, so basically there never really is enough is there Dom. LOL :D :bongin:
Your runnin out soon? Looks like your gunna be needing to be staying with me a little while :D

Help me grow some TGA seeds!
Hey Doms... <<<shakes head>>>... she's come'n to stay with me and help me tend my girls befores she's go'n anywhere else... eh, hun? ? ? :rolleyes: :hubba:

who else is gunna make you feel like there is only you in the world, right?... don't you know that I would love to be the man that you could talk to about anything you would like remind you that you were still the same beautiful woman that I knew the day before; and, if anything, had grown more beautiful from the knowledge gained since the passing day....that kinda thing...whatever your heart desired to hear, as our time spent together would be all about you....

lost without direction,

:p :rofl:
Hey Hey now, No reason to fight over me guys. There is plenty of my sexyness to go around...All I need is a pound of your best bud and a month to smoke it and ill get back with ya and let you know who ill be moving in with! LMAO.. Yall are funny. Lets be real though, yall couldnt handle a SEXY, FEMALE GROWER, like myself. :D I might out smoke both of you and then you really wouldnt know what to think! LOL. Im playin wit yall. :D

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