megan23247 said:DUDE! LMAO! Where are you getting these pictures! lol. Again you had me trippen lol I couldnt figure out what the heck those were and you wouldnt believe what I thought that first picture was when I first glanced at it. LMAO. Man I gotta stop getting so high while I read this stuff its making me feel a bit 'throwed.' LOL your funny. I cant wait for the State Fair this year...I may not look at pigs the same. lol.
KGB30 said:They piglets are new I figure you would like it.
megan23247 said:Dang your plant is huge! I bet that kiki is loving that thing! My cat LOVES the smell and the lights in the grow room she gets caught in there ALL the time.
Cute cat...Looks Siamese thats what my fatty is.[/quote
Thanks Megan, that plant is over 12 foot tall, And my cats are tabby mix you know cats with the M on their forehead. All my Cats like my tree's LOL
:banana: :tokie: :guitar:
A sh!t Ton lolElven said:OVER 12 FEETHow much you harvest from that thing:holysheep:?