Making bubble hash with fresh frozen for first time. Question.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
Reaction score
Caldwell, TX
I’m harvesting the first of my garden right now, and it’s mostly small stuff, so I’m cutting it for hash. I’ve been fresh freezing it,, and have two gallon bags now.

It’s for bubble hash, and I need to know how you figure out how much to use. I only have an over/under refrigerator/freezer, so not much room and want to stop, (and start drying the rest for now) when I get enough to make one batch. I heard that it gets more yield than dry?…anyone have anything on that?

anyway, how do you figure how much to use?

I was using dry before. This is my first try with fresh frozen. I got 12.5 oz with the first gallon bag. It’s a lot heavier than dry 😄. (the bubble bags are 5 gal. I’m not sure we actually established that on the last one.)

The batch I just made was from last year’s crop. I’m harvesting early due to very, very early flowering and LOtS of popcorn Type buds that grew all up the stems. So, I’ve frozen two gallon bags so far.

I’ll start drying them once I have enough to make a batch. I’m still drying the bubble hash we made last Sunday, so I’m not quite ready to do that again yet :oops:. But, in a week or two…or so, I will. But, I’ll be harvesting way into November as I planted a second crop two months later when I was told most of the early flowering plants would probably die. Four of them did, and about 4-5 grew normally. The rest grew strangely with those buds going up the stems….strange.

thanks for putting up with me :)
You can actually start smoking bubble in a day or so. Just don't seal it and forget about it or mr. mold will visit.
Thanks, I still had some from last time and have been smoking it. I’ll finish hot pressing the new hash tomorrow. Saturday’s I have a little more time since I’m not usually also doing some type of house cleaning….ugh. Can’t get away from that part. When I was in my 20’s it wasn’t so important, but I like it clean now.

**BTW, do you know how to figure how much fresh frozen to use in 5 gallon bubble bags. I’m guessing it’s by weight, but I have no idea how much wet weight to use. It seems it would add up pretty quick, bulk-wise.
Do you use fresh frozen? Just curious. I’m trying it since I’ve heard it has better yield, but if it doesn’t, I won’t do it….but, it sure is fun clipping the fresh buds off the stems. They feel better than the dry ones :) . I like the smooth action of the clippers …something about that feel vs the CLIP/SNAP of the dry :p. I’m amused easily 🙃.
Last time, I used about the same amount as subcool did in his 1 gallon video...two quart sized bags pretty darn full. My instructions call for max of 4 oz, but I think that's dry, and seems like maximum amount all right. I should mention that subcool was using 1 gallon bubble bags. He must have been doing some serious stirring!

I just put some ice, sprinkle some frozen, little ice, and do on. Then water, let sit in fridge 20 30 mins, only because that was in the video. Some don't mention this step.

Then the fun part....the stir..


One another thing about the frozen fresh vs frozen dry..
After stirring up for some time, well several minutes anyway I scooped up a handful of the popcorn out of the ice and I noticed that they were not all soaked all the way through. The centers were still dry and hard. Cont'd stirring until uniformly soaked.

Fresh didn't do this of course and I did like that about it. Both ways work.
One another thing about the frozen fresh vs frozen dry..
After stirring up for some time, well several minutes anyway I scooped up a handful of the popcorn out of the ice and I noticed that they were not all soaked all the way through. The centers were still dry and hard. Cont'd stirring until uniformly soaked.

Fresh didn't do this of course and I did like that about it. Both ways work.
I want to get my Bags out for this next harvest
Sounds like fun, hard to get dry ice where I am.
I have just used regular ice (for bubble). Works fine. If you want kief that Pute speaks of, he uses dry ice. One day in my local grocery store they were selling it. I have never tried that...I suppose you could incorporate it with normal bubble procedure. I understand the weed part remains dry but I bet there is some condensation? I suppose it would work with wet/fresh as well.

At the end of the day all of this is to keep trichomes cold and hard like sand. Way easier to manipulate than warm, sticky trichomes!

Love to try dry ice bubble batch...seems the fresh trics would freeze nicely in dry ice sub zero temps.

The other wonder about dry ice is with bubble procedure, you would not add water? I always felt it was what washed them through the bags...or would it go through like dry sift maybe?

If you do rinse or use a little water it would look bad ass bubbling and with the dry ice "smoke" coming off the kettle!

I want to get my Bags out for this next harvest
Sounds like fun, hard to get dry ice where I am.

We’d have to go to the next town to get dry ice. Do you need dry ice for fresh frozen? I guess I need to do some homework anyway. I’ve just been spending hours and hours trimming starting last week, and full steam by today. Brought in a full plant and some lower parts of some others. Getting busy Early due to the early flowering. The plants that grew “normally” won’t be due for another couple of weeks, but the ones that grew the buds all the way up the stems are ready NOW…all at ONCE! I’ve enlisted the help of my husband..but he’s been busy with his own stuff, and doesn’t have much time to help. when he does, though, he seems to get more done faster than I do. (He doesn’t trim as close as I do, either, so if I’m trimming buds for smoking, i go behind him, making my job a little harder…but that’s what I get for wanting “perfection” ;)). I like to be able to put the bud in the pipe without having to trim it more. get the trimming over with during harvest 😁.

I also realized that the answer to my original question is: Yes, I have enough already, and need to start hanging the rest for now. If the fresh frozen turns out good, then I’ll freeze more while I’m harvesting. If it isn’t any better, I’ll see.

Edited to add: you posted while I was typing and answered my dry ice question. Thanks!
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I haven't tried dry ice. Ice/water with fresh frozen worked fine for me though.

While we’re on it, just curious. Do you prefer fresh frozen or dry? And, why? Thanks
Other than the noted warn, either worked well. If I have a choice it would depend if I wanted end product like afghan dark hash, or the more traditional (cleaner) sand like bubble, once chopped and dried. Once, I had fresh frozen but added a bunch of dry. If dry, make sure they are getting processed all the way through.....Or, thaw and strain and throw in butter pot with some water and do the butter thing.

Seems like I remember a thread about bubble with dry ice...I'll have to search a bit.

His videos are on the HIGHTIMES site as well.
