lowryder breeding

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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if i pollonate 2 origanal lowryders together all the seeds will be autoflowering lowryder right? i heard some where that the seeds will be half autoflowering and half regular northern lights is this right??
autoflowering boost it with 24 hours of light for 1 month and a half after that , i think you can do 12/12
crozar said:
autoflowering boost it with 24 hours of light for 1 month and a half after that , i think you can do 12/12
I thought 'autos' did best under 16-18 hours of light in flower??
and... I don't think the light hours are going to influence weather the seeds will be autos or not.. :confused2:...
yes auto's do better with 18-24 hours of light since there lifespan is so short the more light the better.I was told they grow 4x faster then normal MJ.Also what BBP said is exactly right autoxauto=auto autoxregular=50/50 i belive i might be off on the ratio u get when u cross the auto with non auto but u get the idea;)
I think autoxreg=reg then make F2 of those and you'll find some autos in the F2 gen. Not 100% on this, it's just what i've been told:).
I would think that it would depend on how stable the strain was...
20/4 is really good, n if u cross auto wit auto, it will be strait, but if you cross an auto wit lets say og kush, yoy would have to to it a bunch of times so all the traits will from the og will fallow over n beacome auto and stabilizes its self..
BioShaman said:
They ll be autos.
.. :confused2:..
if i pollonate 2 origanal lowryders together all the seeds will be autoflowering lowryder right? i heard some where that the seeds will be half autoflowering and half regular northern lights is this right??
'guru.. have a good long look here
study the "P square"...
without "knowing" the diligence in selection, and the 'stability'/dominance of the auto genes, it is impossible to say .

Although it is possible to breed Cannabis with limited success without any knowledge of the laws of inheritance, the full potential of diligent breeding, and the line of action most likely to lead to success, is realized by breeders who have mastered a working knowledge of genetics.

As we know already, all information transmitted from generation to generation must be contained in the pollen of the staminate parent and the ovule of the pistillate parent. Fertilization unites these two sets of genetic information, a seed forms, and a new generation is begun. Both pollen and ovules are known as gametes, and the transmitted units determining the expression of a character are known as genes. Individual plants have two identical sets of genes (2n) in every cell except the gametes, which through reduction division have only one set of genes (in). Upon fertilization one set from each parent combines to form a seed (2n).
ganjadude11 said:
if i pollonate 2 origanal lowryders together all the seeds will be autoflowering lowryder right? i heard some where that the seeds will be half autoflowering and half regular northern lights is this right??

that may have been my post where I talked about pollinating autos with my NL reg...it was a boo boo if thats the one..those wouldnt be autos. lol..I'm new never bred seeds...:48: :smoke1: :p
I havent yet because my nl hasnt sexed yet. seems like I have been waiting forever. If its a male I may try and just not worry if it's autos because it should be bomb either way...
Stable is key in this conversation. I had LR2 beans go completely sideways on me with not one auto flowering out of the 5 that germed. Joint Doctors older versions of LR2 are so unstable I had a low germ rate, no auto flowering varieties and huge variation between what looked like skunk and a sativa variety. It was almost not worth my growing them. =(

Check it out for yourself. http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?p=499187#post499187

I have what I am told newer more stable LR2 beans but I am a little apprehensive about growing these till I can afford waisting another 3 months on a crap-grow. =(
apl...even if they werent autos wouldnt having that dna atleast speed up the budding rate? or am I off base?
Thanks FNGee! I think due to my first bad experience with LR2 I probably won't buy any LR or auto strains for quite some time now. I'll be happy sticking with the older tried and true strains.
I don't mean to add to an old thread with a new question, but could not find my answer in any searches I did. I've done a number of good grows, but all have been from purchased seed or clones of them.
Recently I purchased some lowryder seeds of which only 3 survived although I wanted to use them for seed production only for future grows. 2 were females and one was a male...perfect for my purposes.
I have polinated the 2 females and they are producing a great number of seed pods....some of which are starting to open, but I am new to seed production and need to find out when to harvest them.
Do I need to wait until they turn brown on the plant or will that happen when it is harvested and dried? At what point do I harvest the seeds? Also...is a month waiting period after harvest good enough for replanting the seeds or do they need more time to age?
Sorry if I highjacked a thread, but thanks for any help you might offer.
Hello Ibudo :)

At what stage did you pollinate the girls?

How old and how far into showing sex?

so far I am pleased with my lowryders..they smell and look great are very white and have these huge trichs I swear i can see them better than on my normal plants even the big tips oin the ends I am going to take pictures soon~

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