lots of pics of my girls!!!!! bud porn!!!

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woot woot!!! before I even attempted my first grow, I did lots and lots of reading, and I thought it might be difficult to grow considering all of the fungus/mold/gnat/and other problems that could occur, but honestly I haven't had any big problems (besides having to leave on the 15th, which sucks, but it's not the end of the world)

It's gonna be my final grow for now because I live with my mom! She was down with this first grow, but she comes home and she can always smell it (she has a SUPER sensitive nose, like a darn blood hound) so we always are burning candles to prevent anyone else from being suspicious (lol and no, I don't have a carbon filter! (IF I ever did a next grow, I would definitely buy one) so before I can grow again, I'd have to have my own place!

thanks for the props! I really appreciate it!


PS I'm always nervous about getting busted... but I haven't told ANYONE... (besides the obvious)
Those girls are awesome!!! The color on the fan leaves is so rich. I would bet a cola that if you grew that one outside in my climate, you would have purple buds. I sure hope you get to figure out how to save the buds.
lol she's coming with me to Africa! But thanks for the idea man!
hmm my friend in the NL says they are ready, if I chopped tomorrow morning, could they be dry by next Sunday?
Great Job Johnny- They're beautiful for a first (or 50th) grow.
Tough situation- 3 weeks does seem like a long hang time.
I would guess you should leave all leaves- including fans- on them while they hang. Should help keep them from getting too dry- then trim and jar when you get back.
Who's gonna burn the candles while you're gone? Still gonna smell while they're drying.
Good luck and be safe!
here is what my friend in the NL wrote me

Put out the light immidiately. Cut them asap. completely: no leaves, no stams
let them dry on a temperature of 25 degrees celsius; they can be ready within 4 days No Lights in the drying room !!!

Good luck

has anyone dried without stems? any opinions?


help ASAP please
I think with out stems they will dry alittle faster as stems rehydrate the buds.
Hey Johnny...Ive dried both ways and ill tell you this when I left the water leaves and stuff on and then trimmed it was WAY more work than when I trim before I hang! Im serious! The only reason I would suggest leaving the leaves on is if you have humidity issues or something other than that I would trim now then hang. Just my 2 cents, either way, have fun! :D

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