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I don’t feed until flowering time as most soils have food in them to do a few weeks. I also up pot week 2 and week 4 hence no need to feed till flower.
what would you suggest??
If ya go with a liquid just follow the directions. 5ml a gal is a common dose. I use calcium nitrate to feed calcium in promix.

Like @Thomas81 mentioned, he's in a soil mix and uses calmag in flower. He up pots a lot so the plant gets steady nutrients from the soil with each up potting. So yeah calmag in flower makes sense and is a good move. They need more calcium and magnesium in flower.

I use promix medium. It's a blank medium that needs support so I feed every time.
I'd comment, but we all know Carty don't know Jack.... hehe.

Seriously though, I think you need to do some serious reading on the site. your very new to this it
sounds and we have a lot of people who enjoy guiding new growers into successful gardeners'.
Rooting hormones is really something that is used for rooting cuttings, not seedlings. understanding
how and when to use nutrients, knowing if there are already any foods stored within your soil..
I can get away with not feeding for 2wks.

Keep asking questions, we'll keep offering up assistance. best of luck
..I really appreciate your kindness..yes, a novice, I am..planted some seeds outside last year and ignored their growth and it turned out more than I could have dreamed..I pay attention and try hard and I can't seem to get off the ground..

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