leds to add to hps worth it?

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nouvellechef said:
Ok. I dont know where this thread is going. But I am just gonna show pics and end any debate on whether more stretch occurs, its inefficient, etc. This is a no joke room. Straight up light shining straight up the plant from the underside. You be the judge.

Well, there isn't anything to judge. To tell if there would be any improvement if the light was NOT causing competitive growth, you'd have to have another plant of the same strain, same amount of lumens on it and identical nutrients.

Showing one side of the picture doesn't prove anything.

It does show some pretty buds tho'.

Perhaps there would have been more buds and shorter inter-nodal length had the light been only on the tops of the leaves.

I'm not trying to start or even contribute to any argument about it. Plant science has proven competitive growth and the causes of it. I believe them.
Roddy said:
I look back and all I see are the same NO answers from the same person, when asked what his answer was based on, I got nothing. To me, that's an opinion and I appreciate that, I'm looking for other opinions as well.

When I ask pointed questions to clarify previous answers, I don't see this as asking the same question...example, I asked about the body lighting, I was told the panel would interfere with the HPS, I corrected that it would be side lighting and not in the HPS light way....

Anyway, no, I don't think my question was answered or I'd not still be here asking and hoping for more info, and I do appreciate all that have chimed in. I guess if I want to know about this, the best thing is to just go blindly in and hope, when I get the money, I'll be the guinea pig LOL

"LEDs to add to HPS Worth it?"

NO .. FACT .. The End

Smiley Face :)
Roddy- I had the opportunity to spend the day yesterday with someone who has been in the field of LED manufacturing for over 20 years- the company he works for has been in business for 53 years. Quite knowledgeable.

Unfortunately, the venue did not allow for me to ask questions specific to growing, but we did have a good discussion about the technology.

I think the most important bit of information I got from the conversation was about the lenses that are incorporated into each bulb. While the LED's were about 25% less efficient in a lumens to watt comparison to flourescents (specifically T-8's in our discussion), the led's actually performed better at a distance from the bulb compared to a flourescent tube. So perhaps what you read regarding the recommended distance (12" +/-) is actually more effective than keeping the plants an inch or two from the lights as has been mentioned in this thread.

Good luck in your continued research.
THANKS BBFan, this is helpful! I knew I hadn't heard wrong and that everything I had read said differently than others here, but was getting discouraged it could have been hype. This gives me a bit of encouragement! The research continues!!!
I think a lot of the no answers are coming from perception of old technology. As I tried to tell OG several times (and was laughed at) this tech is evolving quickly, I think this shows I am on the right track...maybe the light isn't ready, but it is advancing!
I don't believe it matters one bit what answer is given, predominate, correct, or proven. "Some" are going to question it, bicker about it. Doesn't matter how much evidence or information is provided. If it isn't the answer that thy 'want' to hear, it's going to be "I don't believe it.".. Which is fine, but why bother asking?????... :p
Discussion and debate can be educational, informative, but some folks simply thrive on controversy and arguing.
I know Hick, I wish everyone had an open mind! ;)

For some it's not so much an I don't believe it as it's a what are you basing this on? I'm in that boat, I like to know the opinion is based on more than a gut feeling or perception of old tech....or simple bias. For instance, I report about the light throw and am told this is wrong repeatedly, I now find I was actually right. So, should I take all the "NO" answers without questions....even knowing the info I had was different and straight from the horses mouth (manufacturer AND the hydro guy who has been using it even if only for herbs and tomatoes)? And if they're mistaken on this, could they be mistaken on more of their perception....

I think the asking is because people wish to learn, to hear others' experiences and to form their own opinion based on such, I know this is me, and I'm not afraid to ask even if it is unpopular. Personally, I am wide open to answers, but what I don't "want" to hear are simple "NO" answers without anything to back them!
.. The sky is blue ....grass is green... ;)
Roddy said:
I like to know the opinion is based on more than a gut feeling or perception of old tech....or simple bias.

Well put!

As a result of when I learned a lot of my technical information, sometimes I run into parts of it that updated without my being aware of it.

I enjoy learning. When someone can show me an update to what I've said, I appreciate it greatly, but as you've said Roddy, when someone just says "Your idea is stupid, it's done this way now", I dismiss them because they have offered nothing but insult and opinion, not facts with references that back up what they say has changed.

Like the post BBFan made about meeting the Lighting Professional. Very interesting. I think I freak out people like that because I'm so fascinated by the information they have that I want to hear it all!
Actually, the sky is grey and the grass is brown right now lol.... :D ;)
StoneyBud said:
Well put!

As a result of when I learned a lot of my technical information, sometimes I run into parts of it that updated without my being aware of it.

Exactly Stoney, tech advances quickly and sometimes right under our noses without us even knowing.
Roddy said:
Actually, the sky is grey and the grass is brown right now lol.... :D ;)


What way is the wind blowing, how are you holding your mouth, what bait are you using and what method...trolling or slow reel?
StoneyBud said:
Like the post BBFan made about meeting the Lighting Professional. Very interesting. I think I freak out people like that because I'm so fascinated by the information they have that I want to hear it all!

Yeah Stoney, the guy kept giving me curious looks during our chat. I think it was because I was asking very pointed questions and specifics- something I guess most don't ask- he's probably used to questions regarding "How much will I save a month" and not much else. So he really got in to talking about the tech and comparisons to competitors (again, this had nothing to do with growing). Very informative.

Amusing side note, the technology was original developed for use in airplanes starting in the late 50's to early 60's. It seems incandescents (filament based lighting) could not hold up to the takeoffs / turbulence / landings and kept failing. I didn't know that either :rolleyes: .
They are being used in some high-end bicycle lighting as well, very bright. They're also used in many car applications including driving lights and brake/rear lights! The technology has come a long way, maybe it'll be good for growing soon!
Roddy said:
The technology has come a long way, maybe it'll be good for growing soon!

They already are. LEDs provide great lighting for vegging. I'll be trying them for flowering soon.

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