Roddy said:
THANKS Stoney, this is info I can use!!! I wondered about body lighting when in budding, but have heard others do it with success so wondered if this was a good option! I'm taking it the info I was shown on the unit needing to be a certain distance away from the plant was hype, too many are telling me LED's don't throw useful light that far.
Ok, so this brings me to my next question....discard the already used 400w HSP body lighting? I have it vertically hung between the plants...which brings me to this question...what about vert lighting, wouldn't this too cause competitive stretch??
MUCH appreciated, Stoney, this is what I have been looking for!!! Rep coming to you, my friend!
The competitive growth problem is an odd thing to get your head wrapped around. In nature, when another plant germinates and grows immediately next to a plant that was there first, the sunlight that strikes the second plant will reflect to the *underside* of the leaves of the plant next to it. This is seen by the plant as competition for sunlight and the plant will produce stem elongation hormones that will result in the plant *rapidly* growing taller than it's "competitor".
When vertical lighting is used from the initial growth of a plant or group of plants, the leaves will almost immediately turn to the most strong lighting. Then, the *tops* of the leaves will be facing the light, not the bottom.
Vertical lighting will, by its very nature, also causes a degree of competitive lighting. Yes, height growth will be increased. It can't help but be. Other add-on hormones can be used to counter this result and make the plant more bushy.
Top lighting, even when done from the sides using a reflector to keep the light pointing downward, is best for the plant when considering all aspects of the desired end result in terms of overall growth, harvest weight of just the buds and the time taken to grow to harvest.
Yes, LEDs have a light throw of only 18 inches MAXIMUM. This isn't to say that the light at 18 inches is as good as the light at 4 inches. LEDs work best at about 4 to 6 inches from the leaves they are lighting.
If one were to have two rooms, and use vertical lighting on one plant and in the other room use only top lighting with side lighting done with reflectors to avoid competitive growth, the plant with no competitive lighting would grow shorter, bushier and have more nodes per/linear inch than the one dealing with competitive growth.
I've seen both and that is the results that I've seen. I'm sure there are those who will argue my conclusions, but that's ok. The final decision is yours to make.