just wondering?

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Aug 14, 2006
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how many peaple on this website are parents that get high every now and then?? prolly quiet a few and i was just wondering how many of those parents have kids that are in theyre teans and would those parents mind if theyre kids were getting high or would those parents think that that was wrong??sorry about the odd and confusing question i was just wondering :)
Well I know some parents do from here, but I'm not sure personally how they would handle their own teens doing it.

Personally though for me, once my teens reached an age where i could talk openly to them about it, I wouldn't have a problem with them doing it under a couple conditions.

1) if they have it in their car, they are NEVER to speed and obey ALL traffic laws (ie using your blinker and everything), and have it hidden in such a place where it would take the dogs to find it.
2) they don't drive high. For the most part it's not a problem, but hey, they are my kids, and I'm going to want them safe on the road.
3) they NEVER go to school high
4) they maintain their grades while in school

As long as those rules are followed, I really wouldn't have a problem with it. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Pot isn't bad for you, it's the laws against pot that are.
I am a parent, but my kids are all under 9 yrs old.

Hmmmm. I don't know how I'd handle my teens wanting to smoke. I do my best to keep my using a secret to my children. So if and when that time comes, I'd probably be pretty upset. But once they are adults they can make their own choices.

I lived with my fun-loving alcoholic dad growing up. We were and still are. very close. Beginning around the age of 16 he would buy me beer and cigarettes. I would smoke weed in my bedroom and he never said anything. Probably cuz he was too drunk to notice, lol. ;) That was fun and all, but looking back I wish things were done a little differently. So that said, I won't be raising my kids in a similiar manner. Well, not until they are of legal age, hehe.
I wish I had an answer since every child and parent and situation is different. Everytime I had to ponder situations such as yours, I asked alot of questions, no matter what the answers were, and collectively analyzed the answers and dug deep within myself and concluded what I felt was the best resolution. Best of luck
i am a daily med user so my smoking is not hidden from my children they fully know and understand why i use the green

they also have been fully informed by myself that marijuana usage (along with alcohol) is NOT for everyone and should be used with caution and a mature mind

my kids 14 and 11 (both boys) will most likely grow up to be smokers and that doesn't bother me a bit...as long as the parents take the time to be open and really educate your kids ....your kids will give you the same respect in return

how many 14 year old boys do you know that would come home and ASK their mom if its OK to smoke a joint with their buddies?? not too many i would bet....but mine did :) and for that one action on my sons part i know i have done the right thing by being open
i agree totally with L/L, i have 4 stepsons and i educated them on the safety side of not just mj, but alcohol and sex. none of them got a girl pregnant, all have licences, 3 graduated but i lost 1 to drugs and experimentation of stuff he knew better to take. you cant win them all.
as a parent of twin 16 year old girls ,,i would say no , i do not want them to smoke pot ,,, i love marijuana but i love my girls more ,,,i never ******** my kids never ,,,they have a lot of my good trates ,but they also have some of my bad ones ,,,being a parent is the hardest job in the world,all you can do is teach them the best you can,and hope they dont hate you for doing so ,,,hey astra007 dont be so hard on yourself,,i am sorry for your loss...p,l,r
thxs my friend. but to educate yer girls on the do's and dont's for safety sake is a good idea. ya might be surprised to know that they already know - maybe even more then you know. i found the boys a good source of info sometimes.
thanx i just wonderd the views of some of the parents on this forum

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