Just wondering

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2008
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where did everyone learn everything they know? Did you guys get taught by someone else? Read it in a book? Or taught themselves by growing it first hand? I just think its great that everyone here is so knowledgeable. :aok:
It's all a bit of everything... Reading, Growing and improving... The grow Room evolution let's say!
I think we all have to read and try what's read... We all have to fail sometimes and get it right some other times... It's all connected... We are lucky to live in this age of information... Lucky to have Marijuana Passion and Internet! We are only gonna get better in time!.... Blah blah blah :D
i've learned everything from this forum, and in the GR.

to me it's like riding a bike. you can read about how to be better, but unless you're out there practicing you won't really get any better. some are naturals, some have to work at it. depends on how good you want to be...depends on how much of your own advise you'll take...

good luck!!
Well i wouldn't say that everyone here is knowledgeable but there are some good growers here. People learn in a plethora of ways. I have learned through reading and trial and error.

I suggest if you want to learn how to grow then start with the FAQ's as most people should. Then hit every grow site u can for info always starting with their faq section.

Before long you will know what you need to know to get started and through trial and error you will become a great grower.
I let the knowledgible folks here at MP guide me from seedling all the way to harvest. Before finding this forum all I knew how to do was just smoke. :p
I read read read, books and such when i was a kid and nwo the site and some experience form a guy who i knew was a grower when i first started smoking.
It's a combination of everything mentioned above for me, I kinda got a knack for it. I learned from books, the net, other growers, trial and error, oh did I forget reading? lol. Yeah, it's just a process man, seems like this hobby is always evolving, so I guess you can never stop learning new things. That's just my take. Cheerio!

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