its all about size right...????

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lord trentnar
Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
good morning. after doing some reading up i decided to build a grow box. i plan to grow6 to 8 plants using a DWC system. i plan to grow indica, and indics hybrids. my question is is there a rule of thumb, or general guideline for how much floor space to plan on per plant. at first i was going to go 4'X4', that would be just more then 2 1/2 square feet per plant. then i thought that might be too much. a 4X3 floor would give me 2 sf per plant.
more space means less light per sf, or getting a bigger light. how small can i make a 6 to 8 plant floor ????
It all depends on how long you want to veg them for. I do not think that 16 sq ft is too much space for 6-8 plants. I have a 6.5 x 3' flowering space and it is crowded with 8 plants in there.
4X4 is as large as i can go. i guess its a 4X4 then. that was my plan A anyway. thank you once again goddess. blessed be.
i picked up all the wood im going to need this afternoon. the first 4X8 is on the saw horse. im going to make the bottom first. i still keep changing my mind about the door, so that will be last. i cant find my saw or clamps at the moment. this might slow things down.
are you going to paint your walls or use mylar or panda film
i have not made any decisions about the walls yet.
the inside has to be sanded, and painted anyway to help prevent warping from all the moisture. can i just use a shinny white on the insides, and call it good ??
what is panda film
i picked up the wood today, and started on the base. the outside of the base is 48"X46". i had to stop for now because i need longer screws. i have to work 12 hour shifts for the next 6 days, so i dont see a lot getting done for the rest of the week.
flat white is better than gloss, more reflective, panda film is a plastic sheathing that is black on the outside and white on the inside, many people use it instead of plywood, you can make a frame and staple up the panda film and have a set up that can be taken down, pretty easily
i did find out a little bit about panda film. thank you.
flat white you say. see if it were up to me i would have went with a simi gloss. not to sound like a dumb ***, but why is the shinnyness of gloss less reflective to flat. im kind of going with the " its brighter when you look at it" school of thought.
Dig this: the dull side of foil is better than the shiny side. The only thing that beats flat white is mylar and if you like yourself and your sanity don't go there.

It has to do with the broken-up surface being greater in area than a slick version of the same. There's some super-techie stuff about light bounce and real lumeny oriented info if you care--I don't. Best of all, flat white's cheap and easy.

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