Good evening Misfits. Been a long day - it was the monthly payday for our SSDI Disability income, so we spent the day going to the bank, paying bills, and shopping.
Also had my baby's housekeeper come this afternoon to clean. She is new, and has been working with my wife for just one week. First few days she did an awesome job, but today she was acting like a b.itch and didn't want to perform her duties. My baby called her supervisor and explained how she didn't want to do her client directed care. So she got a call from the supervisor and was told she needed to work according to the duties outlined in her care schedule.
My wife was upset, and her blood pressure shot up to 187/108. Her housekeeper straighted up after the phone call and did what she was supposed to do after being reprimanded by her boss.
A short time later, I look in the kitchen and see flames coming off of the stove! The housekeeper said "Hey, there is a fire in here..." She had the burner turned up to 9, the element was glowing bright red and had flames shooting off of it. I took a bottle of water and doused out the flames, turned the burner off and told her she should never have the stove turned up that high.
Apparently she had been boiling water, but we had been frying bacon on the front burner earlier in the morning and grease had spattered onto the back burner element. I asked her why she didn't clean the stove off before using it and she just stared at me. The smoke alarm was beeping, so I opened the front and back doors, placed a fan in the hallway to create air flow and got the smoke cleared out until the alarm shut off. OMG, what an idiot!!
After everything was back to normal, she finished her work for the rest of the day and left. IMO, she did that crap on purpose for getting in trouble. Or that was gross incompetence, to say the least. Anyways, my wife calmed down after I gave her some BP medicine and talked her down. Now we have no idea if she will be back on Wednesday which is her next scheduled work day.
After that fiasco, my baby fixed a dish for dinner which had beef kielbasa, diced potatoes, diced onions, slivers of red/orange sweet peppers, and diced tomatoes in olive oil. It turned out fantastic!
My baby took some bedtime pharma about an hour ago and is sleeping soundly now. I am in the garage smoking a cigarette and will be taking my bedtime pharma shortly with hopes of joining her in bed for a night of sleep. Still SMH, for sure!