Island Of Misfits

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So now I'm royally p.issed!!!

I've been trying to figure out what caused my recent visits to the ER, while closely tracking my BP and BPM on 30 minute intervals. Both have returned to normal range, but this morning after taking my normal BP meds, but before taking the new Metoprolol, my resting heart rate with no zen breathing meditation was 109/63-45.

The followup cardiovascular specialist said they would get back to me with an appointment, but haven't as yet, so I'm left on my own to decide what to do. I decided not to take the Metoprolol this morning until I talk to my personal doctor tomorrow. I will continue to monitor my heart rate, et al.

That got me thinking about meds and which ones have been recently added by my pain doctor, bringing me to the DULoxetine, so I Googled DULoxetine and A-Fib.

Guess what is one of the possible side effects?

If you guessed Tachycardia and A-Fib you have just won a rubber duck!
That's why I always research any and all medications and supplements before I take them. You will be surprised the things that can fk with your ticker. Even chocolate can cause some ppl to have AFib.
I can drink beer but can't touch hard liquor. I can eat meat,,, but can't eat deli meat because of the crap that's in it messes with the AFib.
Any kind of supplements with stimulants I don't touch including green teas or caffeine.
Took me awhile but I pretty much know what I can and can't eat or drink.
The levothyroxine has been like a miracle drug for my AFib. It stopped it dead in it's tracks but I don't push my luck.
Last time I had AFib was my own damn fault for drinking a cup of Fking coffee. I got to comfortable with levothyroxine keeping my AFib under control.
It fking sucked. Took me awhile to get it stopped. I was soaking wet from sweating and dam near passed out. My chest was killing me. I truly believed I through a tiny blood clot. It took me two months to get back to where my chest didn't hurt anymore from walking. Took Nitro once a day to open up my blood vessels for awhile. I think the clot finally let go.
Now I can walk up stairs with no problems. Weirdest thing I ever seen.
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I had a sad experience yesterday, when a friend showed up at our doorstep heavily medicated with long shaggy unkempt hair and beard, about fifty pounds heavier that when I last saw him a year or two ago. He had his pup with him and everything he still had left to his name in his truck with canopy.

He spent the afternoon, during which time I fed him and his pup. He finally asked for a $100 loan for diesel, but I only had $20 in my wallet, which I just gave him, as well as my change can which had maybe another $20 in it. I had rather just give him the money than be pissed because he didn’t pay it back.

I gave him some dog food to take with him when he left and a hug, but am concerned looking at his weight gain that it was from beer, especially since he is also diabetic.
Our friend that is our next door neighbor just cleared the rest of the ice from behind the van! How awesome. We tried to clear it off, but my back wasn't liking it at all, and my baby is still weak from being sick. He does a lot of things for us - he took us to the store earlier because the van was still locked in the ice. Can't ask for a better friend
Wake up ya lazy fkers.😁
Good morning esteemed brothers and sisters of the sacred herb!

Partially cloudy and dry here today, starting at 34F and predicted to reach 43F.

Went to a Celebration of Life for a 97 year old friend of Grayfox's who passed. An exceptional woman who will be sorely missed.

I'm trying to get an appointment today with either my personal doctor or the cardiac specialist to discuss my meds. that I don't think I should be taking. Wish me luck.........................

My homeless friend dropped by again yesterday for dabs and to be fed as well as to ask to couch surf at our house "until he could get things together". I told him no, that Grayfox wouldn't stand for it, which she wouldn't.

We've already done that for two of Grayfox's family members as well as one of mine, all with substance abuse issues and it seriously didn't work out. Of note is that the first two are now dead without ever resolving their abuse issues.

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