So now I'm royally p.issed!!!
I've been trying to figure out what caused my recent visits to the ER, while closely tracking my BP and BPM on 30 minute intervals. Both have returned to normal range, but this morning after taking my normal BP meds, but before taking the new Metoprolol, my resting heart rate with no zen breathing meditation was 109/63-45.
The followup cardiovascular specialist said they would get back to me with an appointment, but haven't as yet, so I'm left on my own to decide what to do. I decided not to take the Metoprolol this morning until I talk to my personal doctor tomorrow. I will continue to monitor my heart rate, et al.
That got me thinking about meds and which ones have been recently added by my pain doctor, bringing me to the DULoxetine, so I Googled DULoxetine and A-Fib.
Guess what is one of the possible side effects?
If you guessed Tachycardia and A-Fib you have just won a rubber duck!