Island Of Misfits

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Gabagoo F4 Autoflower, starting to flower
I would never although I sure felt like tossing one over the fence. I wouldn't and couldn't. My mom tells me her dad used to drown the babies as soon as they were born. I said no thanks. I don't want to go to jail for animal abuse. She just looked at me like I was nuts. The stuff you used to get away with….😳
I could never do that. Absolutely ridiculous and nothing but pure meanness. Not to mention disgusting.
I ever caught someone doing that I would beat their ass.😡
If you don't want them. Load their ass up and take them out in the woods and let them go,,and at least let them have a chance and let mother nature do her thing.
Only thing I ever shot that i didn't eat was a wild dog that kept coming on our property,, growling and acting like he was going to bite. Was years ago and I had little kids and I was worried he was going to attack one of them.
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Well that didn't last long. F'n hip pain woke me up. The Mrs is still sleeping soundly. So I am sitting in my favorite chair, smoking a bowl and waiting for the lights to come on in the garden
My hips kept me awake last night too, so I ended up taking a couple Tylenol, spent ten minutes on the stationary bike, and used a heating pad to finally get to sleep./
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Partly cloudy here starting at 47F and predicted to reach 71F.

I made dinner reservations for tomorrow to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary and will be working on an appropriate card today.

The three pair of flannel lined jeans that I ordered arrived, so I can throw away the threadbare ones with holes that have lasted me more than a decade. I also turned on the furnace for the first time this year when the temperature in our house dropped to 65F.
I could never do that. Absolutely ridiculous and nothing but pure meanness. Not to mention disgusting.
I ever caught someone doing that I would beat their ass.😡
If you don't want them. Load their ass up and take them out in the woods and let them go,,and at least let them have a chance and let mother nature do her thing.
Only thing I ever shot that i didn't eat was a wild dog that kept coming on our property,, growling and acting like he was going to bite. Was years ago and I had little kids and I was worried he was going to attack one of them.
I’m on the flip side of that. I feel that a clean shot is far more humane than possibly starving to death out in the woods. Shoot them in the ear and they are dead before they hit the ground. Never know what hit em. You shut that computer down and it’s over.
We need more firewood but between the afib and back issues this year I haven’t cut much at all. House will be running off the heat pump most of the time at 66 degrees. Fireplace keeps us at a much nicer 72
I know all about AFib. Dealt with it for yrs. It was really bad.Finally got my under control with Thyroid medication.
Had no idea that the fking thyroid controlled so much shit.
Do you have any idea what your TSH levels are?
I know all about AFib. Finally got my under control with Thyroid medication.
Had no idea that the fking thyroid controlled so much shit.
Man everything is connected in our bodies it seems. Thyroid left unbalanced makes kids retarded. My second son takes thyroid medication since birth.
I’m on the flip side of that. I feel that a clean shot is far more humane than possibly starving to death out in the woods. Shoot them in the ear and they are dead before they hit the ground. Never know what hit em. You shut that computer down and it’s over.
I understand what your saying but little kittens shouldn't be drowned nor shot.
But to each his own.
Thyroid medication was a live saver for me. AFib can kill you dead. Mostly because of blood clots, but it can also damage your heart muscle.
When I would have an attack my heart would beat out of my chest damn near. You could see my shirt moving. My chest would hurt like a mother fker and I would damn near pass out. I would be soaking wet with sweat by the time it was done. It was fking horrible.
The Mexican family that came out yesterday for those roosters was a nice family. I’ve always tended to like Hispanics. They are for the most part a tight knit group. With strong family bonds. Something we white peoples seem to be lacking these days. He asked me if I’d shoot a deer for him and I said I would. Then he asked if it process it which I declined. He said he didn’t know how. So I agreed to butcher one with him so he could learn. Healthy meat. Much better for you than beef. And cheap too. I sent them home with four back straps and two packs of sausage from last years deer.
I keep three freezers full of meats. My goal is to have food for a year as long as I can keep freezers cold. Worst case I emergency can the meats. Each year I have to give away about 80-100 lb of meat. It helps people. And it ensures I always have enough.
I understand what your saying but little kittens shouldn't be drowned nor shot.
But to each his own.
Not drowned. For sure. I waited four months until I finally gave up on those two. The plan was to not feed them for a day or two, then put some good food out to lure them up. Snatch them up with welding gloves and throw them in a carrier. Get them fixed and turn them loose at my dads place. He needs a good barn cat. But they was so wild. Bobcats were tamer than that 😂. The mama cat is pretty wild herself. That’s why she is called Krazy Cat. The other mama we have brings her kittens to see us about the second week after birth. They are always sweethearts. Genetics play a huge roll
The Mexican family that came out yesterday for those roosters was a nice family. I’ve always tended to like Hispanics. They are for the most part a tight knit group. With strong family bonds. Something we white peoples seem to be lacking these days. He asked me if I’d shoot a deer for him and I said I would. Then he asked if it process it which I declined. He said he didn’t know how. So I agreed to butcher one with him so he could learn. Healthy meat. Much better for you than beef. And cheap too. I sent them home with four back straps and two packs of sausage from last years deer.
I keep three freezers full of meats. My goal is to have food for a year as long as I can keep freezers cold. Worst case I emergency can the meats. Each year I have to give away about 80-100 lb of meat. It helps people. And it ensures I always have enough.
My Wife of 38 yrs is Hispanic. I have 6 brother in laws.😁
I love hot sauce and hot peppers. I eat them every day. If my face isn't sweating it's not hot enough.
My Wife is one hell of a cook. She can cook anything. She also is my best friend.
My wife lived in Texas for many years working in the food industry. She worked with a lot of Hispanics, and learned how to speak fluent Spanish. I took Spanish in high school and she is helping me learn new words and we practice the phrases together. She has cooked me some really great authentic Mexican food, so I love me some spicy stuff!

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