Island Of Misfits

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Finished up the spot in the back field that I didn't get 4 days ago. Jan was supposed to remind me, but I forgot to remind her to remind me.

Got the front and side yard knocked out, too.
God now I need ESP too?
I’ve been pretty down and out the last few days which is highly abnormal for me. I’m an up beat guy.
Between my back issue and two long term work friends in the final throws of fucking cancer. Coming home to my family is the only thing that makes me feel better.
This helps too. Mama kitty and her babies.


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Whew it’s been a day. Fed the chickens, and turkeys. Added some chicks to a brooder from an incubator. Loaded up another 120 quail eggs. Tomorrow I’ll add a third incubator and add another 42 eggs. 24 are chicken, the rest jumbo brown quail.
I bought thirty Bob Whites a few days ago. They are smaller than my Coturnix quail but I just want to hear them whistle. I don’t want the eggs and I don’t want to eat them. I’ll probably incubate some and sell them.
I love hearing them and I’ve only had that opportunity a small handful of times through my life. We have a few Whippoorwill’s around the house. Always makes me feel good to hear them.
You get enough of the eggs, you can pickle 'em and sell 'em to the local bars. I remember as a young'un seeing 'em in a big one gallon jar in damn near every bar in town.
I miss my banty chickens. Love the size of the eggs for making Scottish eggs. Nothing tastes better than free range eggs.
Whew it’s been a day. Fed the chickens, and turkeys. Added some chicks to a brooder from an incubator. Loaded up another 120 quail eggs. Tomorrow I’ll add a third incubator and add another 42 eggs. 24 are chicken, the rest jumbo brown quail.
I bought thirty Bob Whites a few days ago. They are smaller than my Coturnix quail but I just want to hear them whistle. I don’t want the eggs and I don’t want to eat them. I’ll probably incubate some and sell them.
I love hearing them and I’ve only had that opportunity a small handful of times through my life. We have a few Whippoorwill’s around the house. Always makes me feel good to hear them.
I can remember hearing Whippoorwill's down in the hollow behind the back pasture. It was comforting to hear
Yep, they're cool. I like all birds. I had the entire squadron of swallows out in the back field with me today running close quarter air support. They love to swoop in and pick off the bugs that fly up while I'm mowing.
Swallows are a hoot to watch at play. I saw four of 'em having a riot one day. One swooped down and picked up a goose feather off the ground. He flew up 'til he was almost out of site and then dropped it. Next one flew in and caught it and flew it back up. The bunch of 'em took turns doing it. They got bored, so they'd let it almost hit the ground before they'd come screaming in at full bore just to start the game all over again. I guess they don't have to worry about predators. Ain't any hawk gonna out maneuver 'em.
Haven't seen a purple martin in a long time. We get the usual critters like a couple of different flavors of sparrows, starlings, a couple different flavors of hawks, five different types of woodpeckers, and here lately, a bald eagle family. I see an occasional turkey vulture and great blue herons. The orioles finally came back last month along with the redwing black birds. We have cardinals year round up here.
We've got blue jays and the occasional gray jays. Grays are shaped the same, but they're smaller. I think my favorites are the downy and horry woodpeckers. They both look identical with the exception of size. The horrys are a little smaller than a starling, and the downys are close to sparrow size. The females are black and white, and the males look the same but with a splash of red on 'em.
.I lost a lot of mature ash trees due to the emerald ash borers. I used to cut them down when they were dead, but I read where the horrys and downys live their entire life in a four acre area. I've got almost six, so I leave 'em up 'til they fall over on their own so the birds have somewhere to nest/live.
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Yet another double gorgeous day starting at 55F and predicted to reach 83F.

The housekeepers postponed cleaning day from last Wednesday to today, to avoid Rose Festival Parade traffic, so me and Miss Layla will start this morning on an upbeat note by spending quality time at Fernhill dog park sniffing butts and chasing balls.

I picked the Jeep up on the third day of a one-day turnaround to address two factory recalls, and in addition to taking longer than estimated, they tried to upsell me by telling me that based on my 140K mileage, my fluids need replacing, my serpentine belt is showing excessive wear, and I need new sparkplugs. I asked if they checked the condition or if they were just going by milage and was told they checked.

As they quoted $298 just to replace the serpentine belt and the rest of the prices were about equally absurd, I declined and checked out the serpentine belt when I got home. We just recently bought the car used, but as I remembered correctly, the belt was virtually new and I the transmission fluid is still bright and clear with good smells, as it was when I checked it out before buying it. I haven't checked the differentials but I'm pretty sure they didn't even bother to check either, just automatically went for my throat and wallet.
Good morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 357655View attachment 357656

Yet another double gorgeous day starting at 55F and predicted to reach 83F.

The housekeepers postponed cleaning day from last Wednesday to today, to avoid Rose Festival Parade traffic, so me and Miss Layla will start this morning on an upbeat note by spending quality time at Fernhill dog park sniffing butts and chasing balls.

I picked the Jeep up on the third day of a one-day turnaround to address two factory recalls, and in addition to taking longer than estimated, they tried to upsell me by telling me that based on my 140K mileage, my fluids need replacing, my serpentine belt is showing excessive wear, and I need new sparkplugs. I asked if they checked the condition or if they were just going by milage and was told they checked.

As they quoted $298 just to replace the serpentine belt and the rest of the prices were about equally absurd, I declined and checked out the serpentine belt when I got home. We just recently bought the car used, but as I remembered correctly, the belt was virtually new and I the transmission fluid is still bright and clear with good smells, as it was when I checked it out before buying it. I haven't checked the differentials but I'm pretty sure they didn't even bother to check either, just automatically went for my throat and wallet.
Sad but it is what they do. I just got my oil and air filter changed. Took it to service the a/c and the told me I needed a new air filter and oil change. Nope I just changed them but nice try.

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