Oh I can relate
Thing seem normal in here......
GW said, "It is my understanding that the collies were mentally sharper before they bred their skinny brain pans for looks."
So true. I pick on the pup, but I've been told by other collie owners that the borders stay puppies until they hit around five years old, then they sorta wise up. I kinda believe it, as he was around 2.5 before he quit squatting to pee. I call him pitbull head. The pretty collies have that long, narrow look. He's more the working type of dog with a shorter muzzle and a really wide head. **** of a dog. He'd eat you for breakfast if'n you messed with either one of his girls (Pullet and Old Hen).
This precisely why I carry concealed,I was actually referring to the standard Collie, as the Border Collies that I've met were pretty sharp.
45F @ 78% RH, partially cloudy, 2 mph breeze, and predicted to reach 70F.
Whoooa, a roving teen gang brazenly terrorizing SE Portland. Police looking for teens who terrorized Southeast Portland businesses and drivers
A nice drive to Hillsboro yesterday to pick up the aluminum beads from Cascade Scientific and some quality time in the dog park with Miss Layla and friends.
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.Every Free person has the right to defend themselves
"He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morge. That's the Chicago way" - Great scene from the untouchables
Great MovieJust don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
I trained with a world champion knife fighter in a course I had to takeI saw an interesting demonstration which showed how the average person can close 21 feet and deliver a fatal stab in about 3 seconds.
They set it up and indeed the knife person was all over him before he could draw.
The answer was to drop on to your back while drawing, knife person has to stop and change direction and that's when gun guy won. Another rolled off to the side andworld did the same.
Very interesting demonstration.
This guy is one of the best.ell