Island Of Misfits

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Im with Hippie. I have Spectrum for my Internet and Hulu,,but i mostly watch Air Tv. Hell i get over 70 channels with my Air Tv and its free. My redneck ass watches old shit like Bonanza and Wells Fargo.😁 Which is Grit TV channel 49.3
32F @ 80% RH, cloudy, and predicted to reach 45F.

I worked on an article and taxes until we got a call telling us our new dishwasher was not going to be delivered as promised and there was no new date as the factory had discontinued building anything but stainless for the foreseeable future. Grayfox had her heart set on black stainless but we bit the bullet and accepted a stainless color, which I got extra points for, when I dropped what I was doing and leaped to pickup and install it. A month or so without a dishwasher has revealed how spoiled the two of us have become.

Our TV sees mostly Netflix and DVD's. I used to watch the news until it got so biased as to insult my intelligence, as compared to the same news on the net.
Yestiddy -- I feel I can 'fess this:


🤫 🤩:eek:😇🙃

It was a very strange experience, indeed. First off, I lit up, took a big hit... and the fargin blunt kept billowing solid clouds of precious, forever lost to humanity, smoke. I tried to slow it down, and my fingers got covered in some kind of black glue.

I tried to bite the tar/glue off so as not to lose any more goodness than was gushing out the end of the blunt. No joy.

So by the time it was half-way gone... I'd been taking quick hits to minimize smoke loss, and I was as high as a giraffe's puscy.

The scene where Cheech asks Chong, "How's my driving?"

"I think we're parked, man."

I now understand that scene perfectly.

But I am NLAV now. No more BOHICA for this hoary old expert.
Late add: The experience was epic. Wonderful.


My gawd, such egregious profligacy!!

I use one of those glass cigarette-lookin' things Big gave me, or the volcano. With either, the loss is minimal to zerio. <-- With the glass thingy, I skip-breathe. I have found a perfect level of skip: 20 partial exhales/inhales. At the end of 20, no sign of smoke is visible in my exhale. It takes a minute and fifteen seconds to complete the skip. I do not think there are many here who could take continual hits, and hold each one for over a minute. Not unless they learn the skip-breathe technique. But I'm sure you can infer how it will really stretch your supply and get you max for every tiny bud.

Of course, I DO think there are many here scratching their heads wondering why anyone would go to such trouble, since they all just burn their extra bales each month at the dump. 😜

With the Volcano, I could do the whole bag in your living room, and you would not see any smoke at all or smell much of anything. Zerio loss.

Yestiddy -- I feel I can 'fess this:


🤫 🤩:eek:😇🙃

It was a very strange experience, indeed. First off, I lit up, took a big hit... and the fargin blunt kept billowing solid clouds of precious, forever lost to humanity, smoke. I tried to slow it down, and my fingers got covered in some kind of black glue.

I tried to bite the tar/glue off so as not to lose any more goodness than was gushing out the end of the blunt. No joy.

So by the time it was half-way gone... I'd been taking quick hits to minimize smoke loss, and I was as high as a giraffe's puscy.

The scene where Cheech asks Chong, "How's my driving?"

"I think we're parked, man."

I now understand that scene perfectly.

But I am NLAV now. No more BOHICA for this hoary old expert.
Im with Hippie. I have Spectrum for my Internet and Hulu,,but i mostly watch Air Tv. **** i get over 70 channels with my Air Tv and its free. My redneck ass watches old shit like Bonanza and Wells Fargo.😁 Which is Grit TV channel 49.3

me too - I record Daily -
Leave it to Beaver,
JohnnyCarson - just watch his monologues,
ArchieBunker Place
Jefferson - George is a Riot - bigger Bigot than Archie !!!


Q: What was the dirtiest line ever said on TV - back in the 50's?
A: When June Cleaver turned to Ward and asked :

Ward, don't you think you were a little tough on the Beaver last night?
Yestiddy -- I feel I can 'fess this:


🤫 🤩:eek:😇🙃

It was a very strange experience, indeed. First off, I lit up, took a big hit... and the fargin blunt kept billowing solid clouds of precious, forever lost to humanity, smoke. I tried to slow it down, and my fingers got covered in some kind of black glue.

I tried to bite the tar/glue off so as not to lose any more goodness than was gushing out the end of the blunt. No joy.

So by the time it was half-way gone... I'd been taking quick hits to minimize smoke loss, and I was as high as a giraffe's puscy.

I tried many times - to talk sense into young guns who roll massive joints or smoke blunts.
Try to explain they are wasting good herb,Herb.

My SOP when it comes to J's
Single Paper Original White ZigZag,
perfect amount of MaryJayWanna to produce a perfectly proportioned MJ cigarette (a.k.a. J),

Use a small roachclip fashioned from an AlligatorClip.

Take 2 hits - ponder reality,
Take 2 more hits - Stoned Immaculate.
Tap ashes out truck window,
Take another hit whenever ready.
Clip & J sit nicely in ash tray,
No Goo, NoMess, Just a whitey J turning into a Brutha J as Mr. ZZ paper absorbs the goodness
residual of MaryJayWanna!!!

This Old Dawg tried to teach Young Pups a Valuable Life Lesson,
them Young Pups Won't Hunt...

OK, a show of hands; Who ain't stoned?

I'm sorry, what was the question??

36F @ 74% RH, freezing rain and snow, 8 mph winds with gusts, and predicted to reach 26F.

Oregon once again sets a new high road standard and vaccinates the prisoners in Oregon as 1-A, ahead of the elderly younger than 80, while excluding restaurant employees as essential trades.

The recent PSU study revealed that Oregon tenants were over $100 million behind in rent, with record homeless, and of course one of the reasons that rents are as high as they are, is our extremely high property taxes. On our units they run about 24% of rental income.

In addition the city seriously rips us for the water and sewer, another 16% and we also pay the garbage so that there is no incentive to let it accumulate.

Of course we have to buy and maintain the units as well, and luckily ours are paid for, but include here the cost of maintaining them, plus any mortgage interest, not considering any return on investment opportunity losses.

From what’s left comes city, county, Metro, State, and Federal taxes.

If not for the tax burden, rents would be more affordable and there would be less homeless, but we continue to jack up the taxes to cover homeless social programs rather than addressing the root causes.
I'm sorry, what was the question??
36F @ 74% RH, freezing rain and snow, 8 mph winds with gusts, and predicted to reach 26F.
Oregon once again sets a new high road standard and vaccinates the prisoners in Oregon as 1-A, ahead of the elderly younger than 80, while excluding restaurant employees as essential trades.
The recent PSU study revealed that Oregon tenants were over $100 million behind in rent, with record homeless, and of course one of the reasons that rents are as high as they are, is our extremely high property taxes. On our units they run about 24% of rental income.
In addition the city seriously rips us for the water and sewer, another 16% and we also pay the garbage so that there is no incentive to let it accumulate.
Of course we have to buy and maintain the units as well, and luckily ours are paid for, but include here the cost of maintaining them, plus any mortgage interest, not considering any return on investment opportunity losses.
From what’s left comes city, county, Metro, State, and Federal taxes.
If not for the tax burden, rents would be more affordable and there would be less homeless, but we continue to jack up the taxes to cover homeless social programs rather than addressing the root causes.

My Condolences,
Oregon - never been there.
The only things I know about Oregon,
- home of the spotted Owl – (Late 80’s??) which really tossed a wrench to lumber industry
- at that time – I was involved with a startup company which produced manufactured wooden I-beams made from common lumber (2x4 or 2x6) finger jointed together, and married to cuts of OSB board.

We had contract with Weyerhaeuser (lumber behemoth). They bought 100% of our output.

On Day 1 – the company was not at break-even. It was profitable – and cash flow was solid since Weyerhaeuser paid their bills quicker than quick.

Two years later – company sold to a Weyerhaeuser competitor – a little company known as Georgia Pacific – who jumped on manufactured I-beam band wagon via acquisition.

I found myself at the
Right Place at the Right Time…
can you say ChaChing??

Next – the Discovery show about the lumbermen.
Finally – lots of Californians moved to Oregon to flee
their dreaded, over-taxed, liberal short-sighted state.
But – they brought with them their tax burden, liberal shortsightedness,
and other BS 1st World Problems,
only to
screw up Oregon – (a.k.a. Californification II).

WTF is wrong with People?

Once again – my deepest Condolences.

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