Island Of Misfits

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I’ve checked into it, and pet insurance does not cover regular office visits and heartworm medication, which was the objective today’s visit. Ivan is uninsurable after he was run over by a truck and Dutch doesn’t have enough time left in him for insurance to be worthwhile… nonetheless, the joy that these two boys bring into my life is worth far more than the cost of the veterinarians visits…
I’ve checked into it, and pet insurance does not cover regular office visits and heartworm medication, which was the objective today’s visit. Ivan is uninsurable after he was run over by a truck and Dutch doesn’t have enough time left in him for insurance to be worthwhile… nonetheless, the joy that these two boys bring into my life is worth far more than the cost of the veterinarians visits…
Its funny Boo ,my Honeys nephew has two GSD one full grown and 9 months old.
His name is Ivan too!
She was callin him and they have a pic of him sleepin next to the older one ,head poped up and at his age all ears!
He is not a black one but also handsome AF as Ivan is.
The older one looks like Dutch too!
Early Bigg ☝️
I’ve checked into it, and pet insurance does not cover regular office visits and heartworm medication, which was the objective today’s visit. Ivan is uninsurable after he was run over by a truck and Dutch doesn’t have enough time left in him for insurance to be worthwhile… nonetheless, the joy that these two boys bring into my life is worth far more than the cost of the veterinarians visits…
Sorry Boo! I have spent a small fortune on my animals as well. It has been worth every penny. If I could do it all over I wouldn't change a thing. Love my best friends. They are always glad to see me. Never ask where I have been and we never argue. Mrs pute and I argue daily. She always wants to know where I have been and she spends all my money.....
Sorry Boo! I have spent a small fortune on my animals as well. It has been worth every penny. If I could do it all over I wouldn't change a thing. Love my best friends. They are always glad to see me. Never ask where I have been and we never argue. Mrs pute and I argue daily. She always wants to know where I have been and she spends all my money.....
There is a price to pay to sleep in clean sheets Brother ☝️
Sorry Boo! I have spent a small fortune on my animals as well. It has been worth every penny. If I could do it all over I wouldn't change a thing. Love my best friends. They are always glad to see me. Never ask where I have been and we never argue. Mrs pute and I argue daily. She always wants to know where I have been and she spends all my money.....
I just showed this to Mrs pute.....her response....Been in the bathroom again!! Haven't you.
I just showed this to Mrs pute.....her response....Been in the bathroom again!! Haven't you.
Long story short a friend is selling his house and needed to wire his pool properly and get it inspected.
I have known him for over 20 years
He is 76 ,,had someone dig and wired it himself .
He also did a fence around the pool
He used a foam instead of cement and it worked great.
He also got a gun and stainless steel tie wraps that tightened and cut said strap.
It leaves a sharp edge like a tie wrap but very strong
She starts complaining about never going to Europe and Italy and starts to give him a rash.
What he did with that house and just in life and she just crabbed him .
Until I said Thank you Lord Im not married to her .in my head.
Then she said some malarchy about men not being able to multitask.
mistake .
I said her husband can build a house from scratch and all it involves and he then chimed in you cant even cook anything without burning it.
She stopped talking.
Thank you Jesus....
Its funny Boo ,my Honeys nephew has two GSD one full grown and 9 months old.
His name is Ivan too!
She was callin him and they have a pic of him sleepin next to the older one ,head poped up and at his age all ears!
He is not a black one but also handsome AF as Ivan is.
The older one looks like Dutch too!
small world, Dutch doesn't do well with vets, he got real pissy but Ivan is a lover, all the girls were swooning over his handsome self...


A doctor got a phone call from one of his colleagues. “We need a fourth for poker,” the voice on the phone said. “I’ll be right over,” replied the doctor. As he was putting on his overcoat, his wife asked, “Is it serious?” “Oh yes, quite serious,” he said gravely. “They've had to call in three other doctors as well.”

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