Now you know all my secrets
pretty cool
He'p out the Old Virgin: What, perzackly, does one do with shatter? (Jeez, a rose, yet.)Good morning all! A mostly cloudy day here, starting at 49F and predicted to reach 58F.
All hail Shatterday!
View attachment 324830
What a glorious, gorgeous paint job. Fan-dam-tastic.
Good for dabbing, eating, topicals, and suppositories.He'p out the Old Virgin: What, perzackly, does one do with shatter? (Jeez, a rose, yet.)
He'p out the Old Virgin: What, perzackly, does one do with shatter? (Jeez, a rose, yet.)
Butt, butt... OK, you have a giant thingy to make it. But what the heck do you do with it? (Besides packaging it and selling it.)
Eat it? Smoke it? Dissolve it in gin?
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