Island Of Misfits

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That should last you till next year 😊
Certainly, with reasonable prudence!
Morning Misfits. Been a nice last couple of days. It all stops today. Cold front moving in and the highs will be in the low 40's with wind and snow.

I am busy doing my due diligence and will be laid up for a few days because of out patient surgery tomorrow. Don't know what to expect but will be using nothing but my right hand for a few days.

Done everything I can but there is always something to do. Mrs Pute will help but she is more in the way than help. Gonna be interesting.
Commiseration and good luck with your hand surgery brother!
Anybody want some Tuna.

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How big was that minnow before they inflated it and held it closer to the camera to make it look bigger?

Morning ya'll, wishing everyone a stellar Veteran's Day!

All hail ya'll fellow veterans! Semper Fi and thank you for serving!

A mixed partially cloudy and blue-sky day with some sprinkles, starting at 41F and 72% RH, with 6 mph breeze and predicted 47F.

Yesterday was a day spent catching up after my family visit and some quality time at the gym and on Auto Cad detailing brain farts.

Breakfast out this morning with Grayfox and picking up where I left off yesterday with my designs. I also need to do some Asian grocery shopping.
all the best Pute

salute! to all my veteran bros and sisters!

16 degrees here with wind , feels like 6 degrees , the chickens are happy , we winterized their coop yesterday

a lot of winter clean up and dreaming of spring will be going on around here the next few months

Italian coffee and homemade cinnamon rolls on the counter with some Goat and Monkey MassGas hooters to smoke the morning away

Good morning, shipmates. Not nearly as nice out today as yesterday, but no snow, so I'll take it.
Got woken up at the butt crack of dawn by the parrots. I rolled over and ignored them. The door got nosed open by She who will not be denied (my old cat, Blue), and she promptly jumped up on the bed and demanded the start of what will be hours worth of pets and scratches. She's staring at me with the evil eye while I type this. :)

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