Island Of Misfits

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Good Morning misfits. Hope everyone is having a good start to their day.
View attachment 312200

:pumpkin: Good Morning !
Good morning SB and Joe!

Gooode morning all ya'll brothers and sisters! More rain, starting at 51F and 75% RH, with 5 mph breeze and predicted to reach 57F.

Lots of good stuff happening on the Medusa project and breakfast out this morning with Grayfox and an old friend.
View attachment 312206Good morning SB and Joe!View attachment 312207

Gooode morning all ya'll brothers and sisters! More rain, starting at 51F and 75% RH, with 5 mph breeze and predicted to reach 57F.

Lots of good stuff happening on the Medusa project and breakfast out this morning with Grayfox and an old friend.
I’m glad you showed up GW. Sometimes I get a bit shunned when I fire one up before you. I guess it’s a seniority thing 😜

Australia’s first hydrogen car comes to market, complete with charging stations in just 5 minutes. The car travels 900 kilometers with the tank full and purifies the air as it moves forward. For the first time, hydrogen fuel cell technology is being applied serialized in a commercial car and, above all, it allows for such important autonomy, with very reduced charging times. This is Hyundai Nexo, a small-cylinder car that beats all car manufacturers in the world and sets a sustainability record, with a charge of 6.27 kilograms of hydrogen that purifies 449,100 liters of air during e The journey (as much as the consumption of breathing of 33 people for a whole day) and it only emits water down your exhaust pipe. This car produces no CO2 or other polluting emissions; just think that an equivalent vehicle, with a traditional combustion engine, emits about 126 kg of CO2 at the same distance. The hydrogen engine thus enters the automobile market and intends to join the electric one among the sustainable mobility solutions the world is adopting. Hyundai thus becomes the first automaker in the world to produce a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle for the market. The car is equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell system that, to generate electricity, passes the gas through a membrane structure where it meets the air taken from the external environment, a process that feeds an electric motor. The excess electricity generated, including energy stored during braking, is stored in a lithium-ion battery. Reposting the next takes 5 min. The first country to put the car on sale was Australia, where the first gas stations were also built. A true vision of a sustainable future.
View attachment 312221

Australia’s first hydrogen car comes to market, complete with charging stations in just 5 minutes. The car travels 900 kilometers with the tank full and purifies the air as it moves forward. For the first time, hydrogen fuel cell technology is being applied serialized in a commercial car and, above all, it allows for such important autonomy, with very reduced charging times. This is Hyundai Nexo, a small-cylinder car that beats all car manufacturers in the world and sets a sustainability record, with a charge of 6.27 kilograms of hydrogen that purifies 449,100 liters of air during e The journey (as much as the consumption of breathing of 33 people for a whole day) and it only emits water down your exhaust pipe. This car produces no CO2 or other polluting emissions; just think that an equivalent vehicle, with a traditional combustion engine, emits about 126 kg of CO2 at the same distance. The hydrogen engine thus enters the automobile market and intends to join the electric one among the sustainable mobility solutions the world is adopting. Hyundai thus becomes the first automaker in the world to produce a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle for the market. The car is equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell system that, to generate electricity, passes the gas through a membrane structure where it meets the air taken from the external environment, a process that feeds an electric motor. The excess electricity generated, including energy stored during braking, is stored in a lithium-ion battery. Reposting the next takes 5 min. The first country to put the car on sale was Australia, where the first gas stations were also built. A true vision of a sustainable future.
Car accidents will be interesting,
I was in Walmart using the restroom and just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said, “Hi! How are you?” Embarrassed... I said, “I’m aight!!" The voice said, "So what are you up to?” I said, “Ummm... Just trying to handle a little private business over here!” Then I hear, “Can I come over?” Annoyed... I said “Excuse me?!?!." Then the voice said, “Listen, I will have to call you back, there’s an idiot in the next stall answering all my questions!!!!

Found a fkn adult thrip in my flower tent this morning. Damn, how that little basturd get in there. Has to be coming from my soil. I spray the veg tent once a week and there's no bugs in there. I must have added some soil and there was eggs in it.

War has just been declared.
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