is it imparitive to have...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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a sealed tight grow box? like my plants are going to be coming from the closet out into my room and light will escape (which i dont see why thats such a big deal, i heard people say it can make your plant turn hermie) (i have a 600watt btw)
you don't want any light getting to your plants while they are in ther dark period. they can get as much secondary light as you wanna give them while your grow light is on,, but when its suppose to be dark in needs to be dark. no light leaks
Yo Ho jeffca,
If you are in the middle of vegging than light leaks are not a big issue. However if you are starting to flower your greenery, than obviously you will be switching over to a 12/12 cycle. At the point that you switch you do not want light leaks during the 12 hrs of darkness. Anything stronger than weak moonlight for even 5 minutes can be enough to mess up your plants flowering cycle. Remember this whole cycle thing is something called manipulating your plant through lighting. In essence you are fooling your plants into reacting to the lack of light which triggers the flower production which is in part a survival tactic on the plants part.
Hope this helps a little.

smoke in peace
good luck, umm do not air tight it if so then molds cant excape then where it goes well, dont air tight, word up!
You absolutely positively have to be light tight during flowering. This not only means no light leaks, it also means that you can't turn on the light for any reason during dark time--like to water or something.

My grow closet is in a closet off my bedroom. I have blackout curtains in my bedroom and a green light in the grow room. If I need to enter the grow room during dark, the blackout curtains are closed and I use the green light so I can see.
Givem as much light as you can during thier light-cycle, but they must be completely blacked out when in flower-nite cycle. Only a green filtered light can be used if you need to mess with them in the night-cycle. Good luck!
slowmo77 said:
you don't want any light getting to your plants while they are in ther dark period. they can get as much secondary light as you wanna give them while your grow light is on,, but when its suppose to be dark in needs to be dark. no light leaks
yeah,...what he said
I'd add - Light coming out of a closet definitely attracts attention... You don't one anyone who might see this closet think - Oh What is that light coming out???

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