Thanks for the support and encouragement, guys! I really appreciate that. I learned so much during this first grow. I just don't know how they went hermie without my noticing it earlier. Like you said, 4U2sm0ke, too many plants to do them justice, though I sure tried. I spent several hours every day going over every single plant with my loupe, removing pests, analyzing problem leaves, studying to find out how to find the best nute mixture for the different strains, learning LST, etc. They were certainly some beautiful plants, with such profuse leaves, short internodal space--a lot of things went right, as well as wrong.
It was not in vain--it was all good information for me. And yes, of course I'll destroy all the seeds--I wouldn't dream of using them, nor pawning them off on anyone else.
Since they are all so close to harvest now, I'll see them through, and perhaps somewhere between all the seeds I'll find enough to get a few grams of smoke. It can't be any worse than what I can buy here--at outrageous prices ($960 oz, $120 8th).
And, maybe next time I'll do a little better! I'll try by starting with some good seedbank seeds this time.