In the absence of THC...

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I'ma Joker Midnight Toker said:
Not fair, still upset about the Pats...:D

subjects under the influence of marijuana have no trouble remembering things they learned previously. However, they display diminished capacity to learn and recall new information. It physically does things to the brain, believe it or not.:holysheep:
I'ma Joker Midnight Toker, that, is by far the SINGLE most interesting, and rather amusing, series of facts (with a hinnnnnt of opinion), i have ever heard in regards to the way our bodies function.
You have made my day.

On the topic, I am a user of cannabis, and have been for about a year. It's not a long period of time, but there were times when for about 3 months i did almost 3 spliffs a day. Now, i do, probably one spliff every 2 months. Believe it, don't believe it, i dont care. I go out with the boys, and i have a blunt to make that day a little bit more special. Its amazing, it really is, but i'm not dependant on it. I dont seem to get irritated, im not angry, and, i passed my recent exams with the 5th highest mark in my school (school being in the top 10 best boys school in the UK, wont mention names...)

The fact is, is that cannabis will vary from user to user. Im sorry to say headband, but you seem to have a set of bad issues, that many of us here, on the forums, on THIS topic, dont have. I don't feel angry towards you for feeling this way, expressing your biased opinion towards everyone that cares to read, but it is, YOUR opinion. That you happen to share with the government. I use cannabis, but i certainly do NOT need "drug classes". I live a normal life, i go to college, i do WELL in college, and im not dependant.

And thats also, MY opinion. Take it as you will. Just as others will do to your post. Nothing malicious, but i think you need to be more tolerant, and need to see that not everyone has your problems. And until you can face up to that, I don't believe your going about life with the right attitude.
'drug class's' are for a DUI from weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, and no lighter in my car:eek:
headband said:
tI am a definite believer that marijuana usage is bad and doent help unless you have an illness, its just if you can balance both the stoned side of life and the sober life. If your the person that still can progress in life using marijuana, than its ok for you, but if you a typical stoner and have stoner mentality, sry to say your going no where in your life. Get off the drug, get what you need DONE. then later in life enjoy your hobby, when it wont effect your life as much.
how can you not agree with that?
headband said:
how can you not agree with that?

Ok my bad, that i DO agree with, about the type of mentality some people have. But even if its not prescribed, MJ can be used for anxiety and recreation. Take what you want but in moderation, and that kind of attitude..
"stoner mentality = going nowhere in life"
i don`t agree with that.
i think MJ is a great social stimulant, and not just for ppl with medical conditions, although i`m in full support of it for that purpose as it clearly benefits certain ailments.
i don`t want to get back to "why" we all use MJ, it`s a personal or medical decision taken by yourself for many different reasons, and many different folks will have their own personal reasons and should feel no need to justify "why" they do so.
Theres burnouts ,ppl with low self esteem and or mental disabilities... and theres ppl who smoke for enjoyment that have nothing wrong with them at all
and theres ppl who are in constant pain and use MJ for medical purposes....

learn your roll and your set...
dont force your opinions on others about MJ because you will just get huge b i t c h slap by the gianormous Cock of Ignorance..
I agree.
if i quit smoking, or just dont smoke for a few temper is kinda bad.
I have a very short fuse when i havent smoked, and can turn on someone very quickly.
I normally realize that i have been short with someone, and i end up saying "sorry, havent smoked in a while".

I also agree that it is addicting, it has such a grip on my life right now....but at this point i dont really stoned 70% of the time, but im holding down a good job, im passing college, I just got a new girlfriend, life is good.
But its mainly mentally addicting IMHO....also has mild physical addiction to.
I have noticed withdraws......which is mainly depression :(.
Toke up Boyz
Well I have read every post. Or at least scanned the longer ones. :)

My 2cents

I have met one smoker out of all the smokers I've known, who seemed to have a real, fiendish, bad, addiction to MJ. It was sad and even us, his fellow smokers, tried to get him to stop, and that's saying something. This guy, on the day we'd run out of weed, would be stumbling around the apartment, and I watched him call a MJ seller 18 times in one day!!! "Dude, one or two calls is plenty"....
Physical, Psychological, I don't know where the line gets drawn. I think it's towards the latter. But this guy was an addict, and he was addicted to MJ.
So I think this is where some are coming from. There are those who are adversly affected, particularly if other, worse druge addictons have been present, the person is going to be very sensitive to that. The dopamine receptors being destroyed is something I have heard about prolonged Cocaine addiction. I've never read about it pertaining the MJ, and yes I have read, read, read, and continue to.
It's hard to separate propaganda (be it left or right) from fact in these studies.
Though I hate righty propaganda, lefty propaganda is a problem too. Talking about saying MJ ain't a drug. If caffeine is a drug, and it is, MJ sure as hell is.
I know productive stoners, and unproductive stoners. Me, I've always had a lazy streak. I'm not going to blame MJ for that. But nor is it right to say it can have no adverse effect on my life. I can't live like a stoner in my 20's, that's a good recipe for diabetes for one thing.
Lastly, one thing that gets forgotten in these discussions, is the huge importance of strain. The difference between a 2-toke couchlock and a soaring sativa is huge. I think one of the reasons the negative stoner stereotype has taken "root" - is the prevalance in some areas of strong indica in commercial pot for its heavy yield and shorter flowering. Smoking nothing but couchlock for recreation, you can see how the stereotype might evolve. It is a different MJ than what young people encountered in the 70's, as the DARE occifer likes to recite. This may be a reason a lot of my younger peeps like to mix tobacco with their weed ("blunts", how disgusting! :) )
So although the severe addiction is extremely rare with MJ, it happens, and further, I don't know too many stoners who couldn't benefit from getting off their posterior more often and getting more work done!
at lease some can agree.
dont force your opinions on others about MJ because you will just get huge b i t c h slap by the gianormous Cock of Ignorance
here we go about pointless posts again, mod plz help this man. I dont see anything i typed trying to force what I think on anyone, do you?
headband said:
im speaking to the people in this thread, not the site as a whole. Pretty much what i said from the beginning, i think drugs no matter what it is are physically addicting because once your addicted, you have that trait, addiction to a mind altering substance. i said earlier, long-term regular users of marijuana become psychologically dependent, and tthey may have a hard time limiting their use. when you have a hard time limiting use, to me its physically has a grasp on you. I think tthis is where you could argue my point where its not physical, cus yes it depends on the person and their habits.

Dude....Midnight toker is right in everything he has said...

Headband, i like you....but your stating way to much opinion here......
when you said this: ""i think drugs no matter what it is are physically addicting because once your addicted, you have that trait, addiction to a mind altering substance""...... That imho is a Mental addiction !
Not a withdraw from Heroin....Now thats a physical addiction, because your body NEEDS that drug.

When a person stops smoking...they dont really need MJ in there system, They just havent smoked and feel that they need to smoke that sounds like an addiction; which it can be....but its just a Mental Addiction.
If someone smokes because they arent happy when there not high....that again is a mental addiction....Its the mind thinking it will be happier after you smoke pot.....not the body saying " give me weed"

A physical addiction is again; Ex... when someone withdraws from H...There body physically needs that H in there system....there body has been so used to it....that when its gone, the BODY reacts in severe ways....and isnt going to return to normal untill they have that Drug in there system.....or they just go through the withdraw and in a few days, they then return to normal.

Headband, i do see where you could be comming from.....but MJ really isnt physically addicting......I think in some aspects it may be just a tad physically addicting......however i cant give an example; because all i think of is just mental addiction Ex. Not being happy, having depression from not smoking ( which may be physical, but its in your head...)

I enjoyed reading about this debate, thanks for all your guys posts.
But lets state facts, not make our opinions sound like facts.....when they arent.
bearfootbob said:
Well I have read every post. Or at least scanned the longer ones. :)

My 2cents

I have met one smoker out of all the smokers I've known, who seemed to have a real, fiendish, bad, addiction to MJ. It was sad and even us, his fellow smokers, tried to get him to stop, and that's saying something. This guy, on the day we'd run out of weed, would be stumbling around the apartment, and I watched him call a MJ seller 18 times in one day!!! "Dude, one or two calls is plenty"....
Physical, Psychological, I don't know where the line gets drawn. I think it's towards the latter. But this guy was an addict, and he was addicted to MJ.
So I think this is where some are coming from. There are those who are adversly affected, particularly if other, worse druge addictons have been present, the person is going to be very sensitive to that. The dopamine receptors being destroyed is something I have heard about prolonged Cocaine addiction. I've never read about it pertaining the MJ, and yes I have read, read, read, and continue to.
It's hard to separate propaganda (be it left or right) from fact in these studies.
Though I hate righty propaganda, lefty propaganda is a problem too. Talking about saying MJ ain't a drug. If caffeine is a drug, and it is, MJ sure as hell is.
I know productive stoners, and unproductive stoners. Me, I've always had a lazy streak. I'm not going to blame MJ for that. But nor is it right to say it can have no adverse effect on my life. I can't live like a stoner in my 20's, that's a good recipe for diabetes for one thing.
Lastly, one thing that gets forgotten in these discussions, is the huge importance of strain. The difference between a 2-toke couchlock and a soaring sativa is huge. I think one of the reasons the negative stoner stereotype has taken "root" - is the prevalance in some areas of strong indica in commercial pot for its heavy yield and shorter flowering. Smoking nothing but couchlock for recreation, you can see how the stereotype might evolve. It is a different MJ than what young people encountered in the 70's, as the DARE occifer likes to recite. This may be a reason a lot of my younger peeps like to mix tobacco with their weed ("blunts", how disgusting! :) )
So although the severe addiction is extremely rare with MJ, it happens, and further, I don't know too many stoners who couldn't benefit from getting off their posterior more often and getting more work done!

I know I promised, but this is for Bob,

Bob made some great points and what I take away from this is... that it doesn't matter what/type of the addiction it is ... but how are you going to fix it if it becomes a problem for you...?
Thanks Bob... :D
Ya bob you had some real good points in your post....i liked reading your post alot...
Good post, and Props to ya buddy :)
bearfootbob said:
This may be a reason a lot of my younger peeps like to mix tobacco with their weed ("blunts", how disgusting! :) )

I happen to be one of those people (Ashamed as i am).

Meh, i mix tobacco with weed so that it burns better, and tbh, doesnt taste any different :)

And yeah, you pretty much summed it up there bob.
i smoke a small amount of tobacco with my spliffs-not in bongs:eek: .
not through personal preference you see, but because if "all" my joints were made pure i`d need to grow non-stop from now till christmas for a month`s worth of bud:rolleyes: it`s a hard life man....where`s that weed at, i think i may be addicted:p

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