I'm gonna weigh in as a nurse [ simply to clarify I am western educated]. RSO - real RSO or FECO 1gram x 60 days in addition to turmeric and turkey tail mushroom extract. I can't by any mean offer you much more hope than I have seen this work over and over with multiple cancers....we all have en expiration date...that is a for gone conclusion...but the medicinal effects of cannabis and how they and mushroom extract from turkey tail mushrooms helps"Turn back on the immune System". Without getting deep into the science of why it works, just think if our immune system didn't kill cancer there would be no 400 year old tortoises, elephants of whales....all living things make mistakes when cell division happens so the body has top be able to work.....we have gotten so far away from natural foods that we have effectively shut our immune systems down...but this medicine used together and with purpose can turn your body back on and it will kill the cancer....please....think long and hard before you accept chemo / radiation.