How to work your high.

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Jim Bourbon

Guitar pickin' man
Mar 14, 2007
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Ok, this is gonna sound silly, I guess. But bear with me, I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. I feel really stupid for asking this question, but I smoked the last of my stash last night, and it was my last two nugs, plus a good-sized chunk or resin mixed into a gravity bong. Got three bowls full, never caught a buzz. I was quite agitated.

I have noticed that sometimes, no matter how much I smoke, I can't get high, I'll just get dopey feeling. Bowl, bong, gravity bong, joint. Doesn't matter. People with me may be smoking the same weed and get wrecked after a few hits. Or, depending on the context, I get really high when I don't want to off very little. Now, I know many would say "you got crappy weed," but sometimes I can get blazed off half a nug one night, have the other have the next day and only get a tiny mild body buzz at best. What gives?

I have a few theories:
1) My tolerance has built up quite a bit. Need to give it a few days in between smokes.
2) I have a really really high tolerance to alcohol and other things like codeine and novacaine. Things that are supposed to numb pain for other people make little difference to me. Maybe that means nothing, I dunno.
3) It's the context. If I'm alone, I have a harder time getting high. If I'm with certain people, I cannot get high at all. No matter what. Period. With certain other people, I'm a light-weight and wasted after a bong hit or two.

What gives? Anyone have any ideas? Would rapid weight loss (45 lbs in 3 months) have anything to do with it? Is it all in my head? Has anyone else experienced this? It's starting to frustrate me, because I like to get a good high, and burning up three grams in a day out of a baggie that has gotten me high before only to not catch much more than a body buzz has me seriously frustrated.

Now, I know that given there's no regulation of the stuff, there is no "dosage" or anything. I'm just curious to see if others have run into this.

My question is: How do you all get to where you wanna be? Smoke a lot and quickly to get a quick head buzz? Smoke slower and try to stretch it out? Different ways of ingesting it? I've tried baking with weed before, but it came out really badly and didn't work. So what's the best way to gauge your tolerance and the weed and work it out for the best? I've been too high, I don't like it, I'd prefer to avoid it.
When I build up tolerance I try and find a different strain.
Very interesting post. I have noted the same kinds of variances depending on setting, but not to the same extent as you. Being with your peeps definetly makes for a more quality experience.
I don't know about the pain med resistance factor. But given what you've said, it doesn't seem that is interfering with THC. Rapid weight loss is bad for you, but I've never heard of it creating a resistance to medication - one would think the opposite. But I only play a Doctor on TV.
I think a good portion of it is in your head, because I'm sure it is the same with me. Setting it important. Also, if you are focusing so intently on waiting to see if you're high, you could be missing the bus at it were.
Sometimes, possibly, we forget that this is a magical plant, and that it is a teacher, and has its own spirit, and is medicine. So the medicine is telling you something. Think of it as a relationship with the plant, rather than "it doesn't get me high". I am sure you will find out what is going on within you, and that you have many soaring highs ahead of you.
O.K. Jim, As a Longtime Smoker...29 Years!:aok: Here's a couple of Tips: #1 Switch-off. If You Smoke Alot of High-Grade, Buy Some Mexican Mid-Grade, Smoke Mex, Mon., Wens., And "Fry-Day". Roll Fatty's. You Don't Have to Smoke a Whole One All At Once, :D Smoke 2-3 Big Hits, Put it Out. Wait About 30 Min. Don't Just Sit there Thinking "Am I High Yet?" Get-up, Take a Little Walk, Whatever.:D Then take a Couple of More Tokes. Don't Worry About Your Joint, Good Mid-Grade Mex Usely Tastes Better The Shorter the Joint! By Waiting For A Little-bit, You are Able to Enjoy The Taste of the Bud, While Alowing Your High to Grow Gradually ;) Oh, And Save A Good Inch on That Rouch, Bro. Put That Baby Away For Later.:D { Many Good Frends Over The Years, Growers and Smokers Alike, Keep a "Rouch-Bank", An Altoids-tin, A Little Jar, A Sparklets-Jug,Whatever,:D Don't Break Into The Bank Until It's Full!! Then,Call Your Frends, Strip Down Your Rouchs, And Start Rolling "Second-Generation" Fattys:D After Smokeing Your "2-G" Joints, Save Another Good Inch on That Baby! And Start Saveing Them For Some Tasty "3-G" Joints! In My Life, I Have Had The Pleasure Serveral Times, Of Smoking 5th And 7th "Generation" Pot, And By That Time, The Pot is So Resinated it Can No Longer Be Smoked in a Joint! Have to Smoke Bong-Loads or in a Pipe.:48: This, Jim, Is One of the Best Ways That I Know of.
Yeah captain viper has some good points, like dont sit there thinking "am i high?", get up and do something, even mong infront of the TV.

Anyway, I've noticed 3 major factors on how high i will get. There are 3 types of people i smoke with, the first being close friends and my girlfriend, the second being just friends you know, your average aquantance, and the third being someone you hardly ever talk to

When smoking with close friends i find i get nice and comfortably high, and have a great time

When smoking with friends and aquantances i find i get higher quicker, probably because i am more uncomfortable with them as i dont know them too well,

And when smoking with people i hardly know, or dont have a lot in common with, or just that guy who sucks your karma and for some reason you just feel plain uncomfortable around him, i get completely blitzed off half a jay.

Also i find i get higher if im smoking somewhere im not used to, such as a friends house or somewhere ive never parked up before. so try taking a few jays, go find a nice hill with a view, take a couple of beers and a rug and just chill, gaze at the clouds

As for getting where i want to be? well, me and Doc Green will roll up a king L fatty bombatti and play two toke hold. take a hit, breathe it out, take another hit and hold it until its back to you. The more people you play this with the harder youll get stitched but its great fun man, if you wanna go double up just hold both tokes until it comes back to ya lol that should do the trick.

Also Waterfalls, where you toke into your mouth, then open your mouth letting the smoke rise up your nose smoking it through your nose instead, this will get you blazed if you dont do it often, and once you've toked into your lungs, and your breathing out the smoke, if you let it swell from your lungs to your mouth, you can repeat the process, thus breathing nothing but MJ smoke over and over off one toke.. lol i like to make the most of things

and remember the slower you breathe out the smoke the higher you should be, if you cant blow rings, practice shooting some hoops out your mouth every toke,.. just little things i find help me get where i wanna be!

hope some of that was useful / relevant lol
I seriously doubt my atmosphere has anything to do with it...never felt any different whether I was alone or in a crowd.

I can tell you this though, I have about 7 strains finished now, and I only smoke one. Under one month cure, she could make anyone heart, even nausea. After 3 - 4 months though, she smoothes out to the longest lasting and most powerful relief I have.

My advice would be grow your own, or if you can't, find someone else to get it from. If you really want to be paranoid, try some Durban Poison, or early point is, the strain and grow and cure has everything to do with the high.

Good luck to you guys finding the one that works for you.:smoke1:
45 pounds in a month? novacaine? omg your not terminal are you
Just getting back to this thread now, sorry for the delay. :)

bearfootbob said:
Sometimes, possibly, we forget that this is a magical plant, and that it is a teacher, and has its own spirit, and is medicine. So the medicine is telling you something. Think of it as a relationship with the plant, rather than "it doesn't get me high". I am sure you will find out what is going on within you, and that you have many soaring highs ahead of you.

Sound advice, duly noted. I also agree with what you said about missing the point. Hadn't realized my thinking was starting to jilt that way.

CaptainViper said:
O.K. Jim, As a Longtime Smoker...29 Years!:aok: Here's a couple of Tips:

Thanks for the tips, Viper. I'll definitely do that. Actually, this past winter, my favorite pastime was getting a few good hits in and going for a walk in the snow at night. Great fun, everything was so picturesque. Really enjoyed it. ;)

the_riz said:
Anyway, I've noticed 3 major factors on how high i will get. There are 3 types of people i smoke with, the first being close friends and my girlfriend, the second being just friends you know, your average aquantance, and the third being someone you hardly ever talk to

Man, that nails it exactly. Like when I smoke weed with my sister and her boyfriend and his buddies, etc. Basically my in-laws... >_< Anyways, get a mellow, social buzz. When I smoke with some buddies from work that I'm not quite sure where I stand with (and have felt rather awkward at times), I've gotten the most destroyed, terrifyingly bad highs of my life. yesterday, I smoked with a guy I just recently met who gives me bad vibes and I got another bad high. Bigtime body buzz, I thought I was going to crap myself, the room was spinning, loud noises crashed into my head and scared me silly, and I was tingling all over. Really weird, not fun. It was my weed, so I know it wasn't treated, either.

So we have similar experiences with that. Interesting. They really do need to start doing some serious psychological studies of marijuana effects. Might discover more reasons to legalize it. :)

the_riz said:
hope some of that was useful / relevant lol

Sure was. :cool:

Elephant Man said:
Good luck to you guys finding the one that works for you.:smoke1:

Thanks, E.M. :)

krotch said:
45 pounds in a month? novacaine? omg your not terminal are you

I don't know why, but feel like being really candid.

No, I got out of a bad relationship and found out that my ex spent the last 8 months we were together (out of four years living together) cheating on me with a rotating cast of about four or five different guys and a few random others she met at bars on tri-weekly girl's night out. I wasn't happy with her and tried to drink myself to death for three years in a row, gaining ridiculous weight. Since we broke up this January, I have been enjoying life, I have all but quit drinking (down from my high end: 1 liter of whiskey a day... yes my handle is a given nick-name), I lift weights and work out, and I have all but lost my apetite. I'm sure that'll pass. I'm still not completely lean yet, so no, I'm not coked out, and I'm not on MJ for terminal health issues. But I'm getting closer to where I want to be, physically. I'm built like a bull, and I'm still in my prime, so I want to build a lot of muscle in the next few years. Also, I went through high school with 6% body fat and a strong 215 and was a regional wrestling campion, so... I know a few things about my body and getting it in shape. ;)

And the Marijuana has helped with this ridiculous breakup process, alcohol has not. So I don't use it. I may have a beer with a meal, but since the witch moved out, I have no need to drink. So the phrase of driving someone to drink is not just empty words.

Thanks for the replies, and sorry for the long post. I tend to rant when I'm comfortably high. Like now. :rofl:
I know exactly what you're talking about because the same thing happens to me. Usually when I smoke I don't think I'm very high and then realize gradually that I am incredibly baked. Also, when I'm around people who have lower tolerances than me it seems to be harder for me to get high, but when I'm around those who smoke more than me I feel like I get high easier and faster. I think it just has to do a lot with what is going on in your head and how marijuana effects your nerves and feelings.

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