How soon after flipping the switch....

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How soon after flipping the switch do you see the first buds growing? I switched over to 12/12 about 2 and a half weeks ago and am feeding beastie budz but now but no buds are showing yet is this normal?
How old are the plants? how big are the plants? Type of lights? Size of lights?
Should start to see buds at any time now if your plants are mature. A sign of maturity is alternating nodes. Oh and the plants must be female too.

I usually see developing pistils between 10-14 days. Are you sure you don't have any light leaks in your grow room during the dark period? It's a good idea to get inside to double check if you can. Marijuana needs 12 hours or more of un-interrupted darkness to flower hard and leaks can prevent the plants from switching to flowering mode.

Happy Growing!:cool:
clones so sure they are female, no light leaks, yes sexually mature with alternating nodes and pistols at each node but no bud development. Could temp be keeping from budding on avg. it is 85 degrees with 40-50 humidty levels. Thanks for everyones replys
So you don't see any white pistils forming YET? :holysheep:
85 is up there but not enough to cause a big issue.

all i can say is update us in a week.
Is it Sativa or Indica? My indica's bud in a week, but I had a Sativa that didn't show sex for three weeks so I killed the fucker.
Yes they have pistols at the nodes. One strain should techincally been done in 3 weeks but can't see that happening if no buds growing yet. They have grown ALOt since the 12/12 switch. Should I increase the amount of dark hours to see if that will help to start buding?
no ,increasing it beyond 12 hrs is pointless they will go back to veg ,,but i would make sure there is no light leaks as they sound like there still growing ,,

have you any pics of how they look so far :peace:

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