I'm building a grow box, and thought that 4 plants would be perfect. This is also a soil grow, I want to try my hand at growing some exotics, so I need advice in two areas for now. PLEASE !!!!!
1. Can I start my grow in the container that is already the biggest one it will need ? any recommendations on size of container ?
2. I'm thinking a grow box that is 5' tall x 5' wide x 3' deep, what do guys think ? again thinking 4 plants in there but would rather be smart and get solid advice.
Thanks Heaps
smoke in peace
1. Can I start my grow in the container that is already the biggest one it will need ? any recommendations on size of container ?
2. I'm thinking a grow box that is 5' tall x 5' wide x 3' deep, what do guys think ? again thinking 4 plants in there but would rather be smart and get solid advice.
Thanks Heaps
smoke in peace