Despite the best help around, my DWC's Ph runs "backwards" too Hushpuppy. (GH Flora)
I've tried 24/48 hour pre-mixing with and without bubbling, using Epsom VS GH grow, adding KoobBloom etc etc
No matter what, or who's advice I try, I always end up heading down towards 5.0 in 1-2 days.
Good Luck
5 gal tote.. to small IMHO I didn't enjoy my experience with 5 gal systems.
hello joe, an aside to doc, you mean 5 gal total liquid in the system or just the res itself? ie: what is total minimum liquid volume? <br/>
and what about adjusting pH daily, that isn't right, is it? no ramp there ???<br/>
hello joe, an aside to doc, you mean 5 gal total liquid in the system or just the res itself? ie: what is total minimum liquid volume of 10gal? the whole system or just the res? <br/>
and what about adjusting pH daily, that isn't right, is it? no ramp there ???<br/>
There's about 3.5 gallons of nutrient bath in my 5 gallon tote.
Sure it ramps/floats, from 6.1 to 5.5 in about 22 hours... its just a VERY steep, backwards ramp
IF that pattern keeps going, yes defiantly start around 6.0 - 6.1 and try not to let it go below 5.6 - 5.5
The problem comes when you assume its going to go down and it goes up (or vice versa)
If, for example, you start @ 6.0 and it goes up from there, you've locked out lots of nutrients available to the plant @ lower pH's and absorbed too much of the few @ that high pH and gone toxic. (not good!)
Bottom line is keep your nute bath's pH moving and between 6.1 and 5.6, which-ever way it wants to drift.