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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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here's how i understand it, when planting seeds. please tell me if i got it wrong.

you plant your seeds and let them grow until you see signs of sex (male has a little ball start and so does female but female has two little pistills) if you dont pull out the male soon after it shows signs it will polinate and get on your females and make them hermaphrodites which will cause them to grow little male balls and not flower.

and how is this a hermie?

Lots of questions in one post will get better response if you can minimize # of questions inon need to make it easy for us stoners..Good luck hope this helps
im not a seed grower yet but i thought it just made the female plant have seeds in the buds if it was pollenated. i may have this wrong so i'll stand by .
a hermie is a plant that pollenates itself..but at the same time pollenate true females..
See if this picture works!

jeffca said:
here's how i understand it, when planting seeds. please tell me if i got it wrong.

you plant your seeds and let them grow until you see signs of sex (male has a little ball start and so does female but female has two little pistills) if you dont pull out the male soon after it shows signs it will polinate and get on your females and make them hermaphrodites which will cause them to grow little male balls and not flower.

and how is this a hermie?


jeff.. Read this...front to back...
"Marijuana botany" .. it will give you a good base of understanding the simple biological functions of mj.

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