I missed Nes !--What up girlfriend? -- U ever grew a legend ? -- What to ?--Can U clone ? -- If not --We teach U !--This Pink Kush be one of them plants that'll pay the bills!-- Dis what they call movie star weed !
I missed Nes !--What up girlfriend? -- U ever grew a legend ? -- What to ?--Can U clone ? -- If not --We teach U !--This Pink Kush be one of them plants that'll pay the bills!-- Dis what they call movie star weed !
Ditto.morning krav. star wars came out in 77. i saw it in sept 79, and haven't seen any of the others. i love sifi but never got into the star wars kick.
morning dog.
:rofl:Hehaw Crazy mofoNo it ain't Rose U just call BR-549 and say ----Hey go get me some weed !--- I live not far from Smugglers beach strangest things happen down there!-- Sweet little grey headed retirees pulled over on the way out and somehow thier exhaust caught the grass on fire !--Poor little couple lost thier RV --and the half ton of weed they was hauling !-- These other people were moving and they couch fell off the trailer on the highway --It was packed with kilo bricks which went everywhere!--Some people were nice enough to stop and help remove them from the road!--