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Morning all, let us know how you liked star wars. I've only seen the original three.
Busy day of nothing today. Might take a bike out for a few hours. Should warm up to 60 today. About to drop some more beans, got to get this grow started up again!
Morning O.F.C! --Thick gumbo Giggy !-- 65 here !-- Giggy if I was U or Dog and had country around that wasn't brown by mid summer --Tell U what I would do this winter !-- I would be preparing for spring and scouting locations for Gorilla grows !--Come spring I would take a hundred clones to the woods !---If U lose half of them U still have a hellava grow ! Do they have delinquent tax records there ?-- If they ain't paying property taxes they probably don't live there and probably wouldn't mind if U grew a little weed on they property!-- Can Ya'll see how bubbly and full of Christmas spirit I get ? -- I can hardly contain myself ! Ho-Ho --Ho !
Morning OFC, got a little ?. I'm going thru my reserve like crazy (using Vape) so, after a lot of research and seeing how many of you use it, I bought me a MB machine, now what I would like to do is, i save all the residue from the vape and I want to cook it in the MB and make edibles,,,,, any thoughts ??? I think after I vape whats left is still good???? I use the solo and only go up to 5 on the heat, so is their still some good stuff left in there?????? it chin to get coo kin :dancing:
MB arriving Tues,
Morning all, let us know how you liked star wars. I've only seen the original three.

Those were the best, this is the one I have been waiting for since May of 1977.

morning krav. star wars came out in 77. i saw it in sept 79, and haven't seen any of the others. i love sifi but never got into the star wars kick.

Star Wars sorta became my "religion". I am a HUGE fan and it concerns me that Mickey Mouse is in charge of the Death Star now...... I have read all 42 books and own all the movies both digitally master versions of the original and the originals themselves plus the prequels. I have played both Star Wars MMO's..... SWG for 11 years and SWTOR since 2012. Really enjoy the movies, really hope I'm not disappointed today.
:vap-leafy_wave:(HI). Good morning OFC. :spit: and :bong2: time. Went to the pet adoption Yesterday and got rid of my two kitten. Sure, happy to see them go. With my dogs they would not of lasted a day when the kitten got big enough to run around the yard. Time for kitchen work.

Hey Grandpa where ya been ? -- I think there's one way to find out !-- Yo Kraven --Enjoy the movie !-- Hey is Vancouver on the west coast or east coast ?
Morning fellow Potheads. What up Keef,,,ya remind me of Tickle on the show Moonshiners,, ya freaken crazy *** Hillbilly. :rofl:
Howdy Giggy,Krav,Nes,granpa,rose,thg,umbra and dog,,hopes yall all have a wonderful day. If i left someone out its cause i am high.
My Bro came by last night,,hes gonna bring me a Vap pen and some Wax today. I have never tried it. Sounds awesome from he was telling me. Yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

By the way if ya watch Moonshiners,,,what do ya think about the two guys that are always screwing things up. You know the tall guy with the little white dog and the short guy who calls himself a carpenter. Personaly,,i think they are more then just friends,,but boy are those two MORONS. I laugh my *** off at those two dumb asses.
Hopper What up ? -- Except for drinking we could be Kin !--- My man in Canada had Pink Kush (4n) available starting December 15 , 2015 !---I had marked that off my list as unavailable !-- -- I want some 6n clones --Pink Kush and Rock Star his other 4n!-- They might as well make an exception and sell the stuff to me cause I won't quit till I have what I want !-- That Pink Kush coming to the O.F.C. one way or another !--
Hopper I wonder bout them boys myself !-- I don't watch no Foosball !-- or Nascar either !--Those guys really need to learn how to turn right sometimes !--Me and Dog gonna be starting seed at the same time!---I got this figured out --I get that Punk Kush and Rock Star --I think Umbra gonna let me use his Clock Work Orange-- I get a 6n clone I can make some more !--About a half dozen tetras ? -- That's my tetra breeding stock !--Pink Kush --Hang in there daddy gonna bring U home soon !
I like it Hopper !--Think I like that mobility chair Farm Truck and AZN made better !
You could put Nitrous and haul ***,,,and poop at the same time. Lol
I missed Nes !--What up girlfriend? -- U ever grew a legend ? -- What to ?--Can U clone ? -- If not --We teach U !--This Pink Kush be one of them plants that'll pay the bills!-- Dis what they call movie star weed !
Hopper U know well as me that once U hit that nitrous ain't so much as a Fart coming out ! That thing right there is too top heavy !---Flip it on corners !
Plus it would get SHITTY gas mileage. Get it. Shitty gas. :bolt:
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