Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Flushing helped a little I think. The plant is not dead. Heck it could even be moles. but the rest are doing ok. 4 in greenhouse fine. Keef your right on. I was warned that the HH's were sensitive to nutes.
But I can see where the name WHITE widow comes from. Them buds are white .
I'm just paranoid. one sign of trouble and I panic.
The Widow is an outside plant !-- She stretchs in early bloom bad !-- I didn't really know how hard it was to grow !-- T.E. and the Blueberry Blast --I can work with !-- Even the little GDP -Black Rose cross likes aero !-- Bozzo -- That Widow gonna light U up !
Had to chuckle at myself yesterday. I spent three hours on the Deere mowing the back field. I rolled up a joint for the trip and lost it twice, ducking under branches and stuff. There's a nice long stretch from the clay banks to the tree line that's a bit over 700 feet long. After a couple of passes, I figured I'd better smoke the blasted thing before I lost it the third time.
Took three or four hits on the straightaway and thought, "This stuff is losing it's kick", and set up for the next pass. Half way through, it kicked in. Suddenly, I no longer wanted to be playing on the tractor, and the nice straight lines I was mowing started looking like what a one eyed drunken sailor would do. Lost my vape rig out of my pocket and spent fifteen minutes mowing really slow looking for it.
Had to admit that the Black lights still has a hefty kick to it!
Sometimes I take a few too many tokes. It's always too late when I figure it out.
In Atlanta all week for Mack training. God, I hate cities. So much concrete. So many fools driving too fast. I miss my one caution light town.
I miss sleeping in the bed with my wife and cat. Lol. I am domesticated now. Haha
Good morning guys.

bozzo, i don't think there is anything that can un do too much cal mag. You did right by flushing. Now we just need to wait.

mrcane, next grow you might want to add a small amount of N thru the whole growing cycle. I don't think you can correct it now. I top dress with worm castings for the N through out.. What is the strain? Looks very sativa... I guess you could make a worm tea and feed it to the roots not foliar feeding, too late.

Keef, you keep that woman around! Hippie, good idea.

Rose, Thanks, have learned a lot this grow.{my first} and there isn't Very Much N in the bloom nutes. I like the worm castings idea. plants are very sativa
still waiting for some Amber...:watchplant:
In Atlanta all week for Mack training. God, I hate cities. So much concrete. So many fools driving too fast. I miss my one caution light town.
I miss sleeping in the bed with my wife and cat. Lol. I am domesticated now. Haha

bro i share my bed with the ol lady and as many as 6 dogs. four are ours well one belongs to the grandson but it should be ours. the other two belong to the daughter. they take the middle of a king bed and put us on the edge, life can be fun at times.
Hey Giggy -- I'm in !-- timer that runs the pumps in Veg quit working and I got some wilty plants !-- Not sure how bad it is yet -- I'm sure I'm gonna lose some new clones but it's not like I'm gonna lose a variety -- it's a weed !-- it's hard to kill !-- it'll come back !--- Still haven't figured out how to get some of them Tetra seed BillyBudd sells only to Canadian growers !--
bro i share my bed with the ol lady and as many as 6 dogs. four are ours well one belongs to the grandson but it should be ours. the other two belong to the daughter. they take the middle of a king bed and put us on the edge, life can be fun at times.
I usually have grandma cat on my stomach, and my orange male in-between my legs. Sometimes another sleeps with us. I managed to end up with 4 cats. Three dogs, but only the Great Dane sleeps inside. The other two are yard dogs. It's a zoo, but my cats make me happy.
Figured out another bad word here. Weird-o is evidently a bad thing to say.
Pizza anyone ?-- I'm full !-- I think the spidermites ,power outage and broken timer may set me back 2 weeks !-- Mane that pizza done set them caps I took loose !--
Yo Keef pizza sounds great , Had a hunk of local Beef some Tater and garden vegs.
Now it is time for some Matanuska T.F. :ccc:
Went to the grocery store today-- at check out the lady told me she was a vegan and could not sell me meat -- she told me I would have to take the meat to isle 7 but that cashier was Muslim and couldn't sell ham so I would have to take it to isle 9 !
morning ofc, smoke and coffee to your desire. mom always says no new is good news, but it drives me crazy. grandson had a football game last night, they played good but got out played. i told him you can't win em all hold your head up is was a good game.
Morning giggy. Tell your grandson, in life you going to lose more than you win. It's nature.
Having coffee. Smoked a just enough to calm me, I have class for work all week. Sitting in a chair all day is almost torture to me. Makes me feel like i will explode if I don't get up and leave.

There, I said the "c" word and the "w" word!!
Good morning ofc.

yarddog i remember feeling like that when i had to go to cont. ed for xray school.. felt like i wanted to bolt all the time.. what is that? a d d?

we pulled a big ole 6'6" plant in under that patio cover, rain forcast..now about the other 15 YIKES.

Keef, i hope you wake feeling better than yesterday.. So at that store, did the cashier tell you that eating meat was wrong and she wouldn't sell it to you because god?

Lets do this day ofc... coffee w/butta and a pipe.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Keep yourself busy Giggy so U won't think about it so much !-- Dog -- U keep hanging out with us Old Farts -by the end of prohibition U gonna have a whole new skill set !-- Probably pay a little better than twisting wrenches too !-- Looks like Ole Keef gonna have his Tetra by spring !-- if it is even close to what he says -- this would be the most potent weed in the world ! Keef's Franken Plant be coming to Texas !--
Gonna be a better day except for the weather - still having some trouble with my face but I went and picked some sugar leaves and made me some caps !-- Hurts the plants helps me -- what U gonna do?--- knock on my door and say I'm your new neighbors and it's gonna cost U a couple grand for me to move in -- what reaction do U really expect ?-- Rose -- let's hope things never reach that point !
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