WoW!- Joe and I live in the same town !-- I'm just a crippled up old crazy vet. -- I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag !-- My dogs are just little lap dogs - no threat to anyone !-- Come take my weed !
Kraven is that a C.F.L. in the tent?-- What does your temp run in there ?--seems like it would get hot !
Umbra, do they install cameras? That is scary. You do have dogs right?
Yooper, when you sign in do you check the button that says stay signed in? Please send a note to TechAdmin and state the problem you are having.
No one else is having picture problems that I know of. I have problems with it timing out when i am doing some other stuff.
No sir, it's a dig 600w HPS and a dig 400w MH. Temps are between 78-80F
Rosie you posted twice and im stoned and that really messed up![]()
Umbra, do they install cameras? That is scary. You do have dogs right?
Yooper, when you sign in do you check the button that says stay signed in? Please send a note to TechAdmin and state the problem you are having.
No one else is having picture problems that I know of. I have problems with it timing out when i am doing some other stuff.