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This is my last epic grow. THey are changing the laws. Next years garden will have 4 plants. shakes head.

I know i am lucky you guys. I live in a very liberal state. I can't wait till all of you have the same liberty that we have.
that's what I'm afraid of. you don't get grandfathered in Rosebud.? I was hoping they will let medical to continue as before. Guess not. at least you can do 4 for Mr. RB.4+4=8. What is your limit this year? ours is 12.
I just finished tearing down my dark room that I'm not using this year. and planted my only potted plant there. I just could not see her in that 5 gal pot till finish. Now she can grow .
This is my last epic grow too Rose !-- These reduced plant counts made me so mad I'm just gonna quit growing !-- U get a ticket or something if U have to many plants ?--
How far U guys willing to go to stay legal ?-- U say next year the legal plant count is 4 ?- And the year after 2 ?- And the next year ?-- Time for a stealth indoor grow room Rose !-- Or do U comply yourself right back into total prohibition ?--
Someone needs to 'splain this legal state stuff to me !-- Sounds to me like them MMJ cards could be used to regulate pot pharmers right out of growing !-- Don't think I'll be getting me one of them !-- Well not in my real name or address anyway !--
Good morning OFC. What`s happening in Curmudgeonland this morning ? Do believe it`s time for "wake and bake". Coffee and a bowl and let`s do it. "Wake and bake" time ya`ll.
Got my 2 year "get out of jail free" card last week. $180 to doctor, $60 to the state equals $240 for 2 years. Ten dollars a month for "insurance", not bad at all.
that's how i figure it yooper. same price as life lock. lol good morning OFC
Good morning guys. The law in 2016 as i understand it will allow 4 plants per household. Not per person.
If i want to register, which I don't think I do, and become a garden collective I could have 45 plants. BUT I would have to be on a record, i would be subject to searches, I would have to keep records from seed to smoke of every gram...

The plant count has been 16 per person.. That was very cool of Wa state, but the medical got all screwed up when they passed recreational use of marijuana in the state last year. So, if I want to keep helping folks it will be against the law.

This is my last epic grow. I told mr rb if i can only have 4 plants, they will be 10 pounders each. LOL Frankly this grow is kicking my buttocks. Lots of heat to deal with.

Umbra, all my La confidential are girls and have their own garden..can't wait to try that smoke~
I may have to vote no . Hard to even think like that. But I do have some good friends that do not smoke pot, but they do have gardens. I be a share cropper. LOL
I was thinking , looking at my 4 plants in the greenhouse, that one plant would probably fill the 8x8 greenhouse if it was by itself. yep 4 monsters .
Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh !-- I grow using the Nun-Ya principle !-- Ain't Nun-Ya biz how many plants I got!-- About time the federal law is changed !--
O.F.C. !-- been giving some thought to this free state plant limits and weed laws and I had me one of them realizations -- Most of us Old Farts been growing gorilla off and on most of our lives and it really don't matter what the law said then and what it says now !-- Being against the law didn't stop us then and my gut feeling is most of us would grow our own weed anyway !-- We too old to change now !-- We would just get more creative !-- And once you've crossed over to the dark side plant count be dammed !
Rose I am very pleased by your results so far. I know those girls will rock. I am more concerned about rippers than I am leo at this point. The outdoor is getting big. We have 35 plants outside and I think we are going to reduce those numbers some, just because of their size and the space they take up. Shade cloth is on order, indoor is under construction, and plans for the greenhouse are in the works.
Umbra - that deed with the seed has been done !-- If I don't kill them I had some seed from each germinate along with several Williams Wonder !- I took 10 T.E. fresh cuts yesterday along with 15 from my black line Widow !-- Gonna get complicated real soon !--
Ya'll know them boxes I use ?-- I think I can keep about a dozen Bonsai moms in one ! Wait I can't do that it would put me over my plant limit !-- Bonsai !!!!
Howdy Y'All! Well, I'm finaly getting over the lung crud & getting around a bit.
Thought I'd show a little porn this afternoon. Anybody up for it? hehehe

Here's a pic I took this morn. of the "wild" patch
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Here is the W.E. I got from our brother down south
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This is the press I use for butter. Sure is easier than squeezing bare handed
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And this is my Strawberry Rhino. 2nd bloom I think she has a lot more trich's this time around. Oh does she smell heavenly. Like fresh strawberries
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The man with the plans. Hope they all come to fruition for ya. Do not know what I would do with 35 plants

The star of porn
is born
But we luv it
so keep it cometh.
Looks good gloman. I remember my "wild patches"....glad I don't have to hump water in when its dry. Evening OFC, life is treating me well, and both tents are looking great. I sure do enjoy gardening in the evening indoors where it's cool :)
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