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I love turkey,,but me and the Wife very seldom eat red meat.
My name is Keef and I'm addicted to growing weed !-- I gotta build me a breeding box !-- I give up !-- I can't take it no more !- I surrender to the dark side !-- Outta Widow ??--Ha!-- Mane this T.E. don't like to reveg!-- 1 success out of 3 attempts !-- she need just a pinch of sativa stretch !-- and U know what ?- I got some magic beans in the freezer that might be the cure - without giving up a lick of it's fierce potentcy !-- Save yourselves !- It's too late for me !
Keef, it takes a very long time to reveg, can be months. Don't give up.
~hmmm~ I'm reveging now, this 8 ball kush got me weaved into the fibers of the couch.
I'm working her Rose !-- She clones O.K. first roots in 8-10 days !-- One thing I like about my style of growing is I can repeat an experiment until I find a solution !-- I know some people keep mothers but has anyone ever heard of keeping a father ?-- I clone a boy just as fast as I can clone a girl !- stick him back in veg and keep him till I need a piece of him for breeding !-- Just a thought from the dark side !--
Let me tell U how bad it hurt me about Texas MMJ law -- I've been promised a bedroom and $1800 worth of lights six months before they blow the whistle !-- I was that close !!
Keef, i have collected pollen once, a couple of weeks ago. It is very cool and easy to do. Well, not easy but do-able.

Good morning Hippie
Good Morning OFC. My youngest son's birthday is coming up next week. His brother is coming out from the East Coast to celebrate. He thinks his birthday present is the air fare for his brother to come out, and while it is...I have more in store for him. We have 14 shooting ranges and gun clubs within a 10 mile radius of where we live. He wants an AR15. There are so many choices out there, I thought the best way to find something he liked was to go a range and shoot a few different versions and see how they feel. So I have it all scheduled for his birthday. We are going out to dinner and on the way home we are going to stop and shoot a few hundred rounds.
You be careful with that, Hopper. You'll shoot yer eye out!

Morning, kids. Much farming to do today.

Yep,,my Son lost an eye because of his buddie being an idiot. He was 14,,he is now 37.
So yes i am deff aware.
Go Umbra !- Rose I don't know about a lot of varieties but it seems being able to reveg gets harder the longer they go into bloom and how much greener is left !-- I mean I grow little plants so it might be different !- My pink line Widow has been a real work horse !- I hurt a lot of plants with my RO / Cal Mag incident !- they were at different stages of bloom but I chop lots down and took them back to bloom !-- The pink line has always been the easiest to grow but 3 weeks after putting them back in bloom I had true vegatative leaves ! And now they bout to kick it !- All 50 of them !- Ruh -Row !! If I can only get the T.E. to do as well !
Must be stoned !- U know I mean when I move plants back to 18/6 in veg they switch back from bloom to the vegetative state !
No worries Hippi,,its all good. You were right though,,,i dont think anything has taken more eyes then a stray BB. Its the only gun i can own legally. Lol
Hey it's 95 outside today gonna get down to a frosty 78 tonight !- I see Bozzo growing in a green house and think - if only ?-- but that would be like an outside oven down here !-- Oh Well !- I do what I can !
OK, I've been kickin a few Tom Collins back and smokin some green. Took the dirt bike to the grocery store to grab some stuff for dinner.
Mind you, its called "piggly wiggly". We got a few down south.
So I'm walking to the register and I see these chips.
View attachment 227225 just letting you know the customer base I live amongst. I love it in the sticks, but really!? Do we have to live up to such a honey boo-boo standard?
(She lives 15 miles from me).
Hey Kraven - if I sent U a pic could U post it for me ?-- I'll explain it !-- I can't post pics from my phone and I'm holding out for a tablet !--
I went out this morning and my fruity punch clone was drooping bad. damn I hate to see that. I have been watering less. I gave all a good drink, and she perked right back up.
I have 4 big windows and open gable ends and 2 fans in the greenhouse. keeps temps down. but outdoors is lots better. The greenhouse ones stretch more than the outdoor ones. but its needed for any sativa's up here. you don't have that problem in the south.
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