:yeahthat: times 100.
Great point Keef.
Great point Keef.
rose i agree with you to a point. if i could fix all the skeletons in my closet i would, but some of mine are nightmares and best left alone and forgotten.I don't agree with keeping things in the closet. Those things need air and light and they dissipate somewhat, just like a garbage can you keep the lid on tight, that stuff turns nasty, open the lid, let the light in and a lot of the yuck leaves. You can always talk here Umbra. My son is like you. He tells people he is allergic to alcohol so as not to say, i can't drink or i will have a seizure.
If seizure disorders got the press all the other neuro things do it would be better.
Ok, off soap box.
Good morning OFC!! It is a beautiful day in my neighborhood. Got a bunch of stuff planted yesterday. The patio has been cleaned up and ready for spring. Nice to smoke a joint last night out there with mr rb. Having company the end of the week but they bring a motor home so that works cool for us. I am going to do a turkey breast in a crock pot w/ gravy...
Smoke um like it is 421.
Morning OFC. Kraven and everyone else, thanks. Having epilepsy has never been lots of fun. It is 1 of the things I wish I could have left at the curb when I moved. I've been hiding it from people my whole life, so it is awkward and difficult for me to share with people about it. A woman I was engaged to for 8 years, after my divorce, laughed at me and said it was just an excuse to get high.
Trying to change the subject here guys !- This never works out well for anyone !- -- I think it's time for an afternoon burn !