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Rose at least let me get it in a jar for awhile first !-- There's several more right behind her !

Umbra --Snow Desiel -- has some earthy undertones with a hint fuel oil and something else I can't identify -- It's not U pleasant at all !-- If I could put words to the smell it says " I'm bout to mess U up " !-- I'm discovering how the terepene profile changes as it ages !-- I got the first Snow Desiel cuts just 3 weeks behind that little mother !--

Kraven that cat is lucky to have U in it's life ! -- Got it's own private Nurse!

Night Shade is impressing me !-- She gonna make a lot of bud !
Umbra do U have any recollection of that Wonder Berry ?-- I only ended up with one -- It was a boy ( (Herrman the Wonder Berry )and I've kept him for some possible breeding !-- The reason I ask is I got a fine stud in the Black Berry Snow Lotus ( named Waldo )-- I think he can do what I want !--So I'm thinking of letting Herrman go -- Any thoughts ? -- I kept Herrman because I thought if I had something stretchy that I wanted to tighten up that he might do the trick !-- BBSL do that too !
Yea, I always loved Nightshade....one day I swear I'm gonna start her and get a breeding project off the ground.
Good evening everyone. Cool out tonight, most of the rain is going around us. I'm thinking I may have to build me a coffee table. Idle hands and all that. Smoking some AK48 auto a bud came by with earlier. I was pleasantly suprised. Pretty good stuff. Care to join me in a night cap?
Umbra do U have any recollection of that Wonder Berry ?-- I only ended up with one -- It was a boy ( (Herrman the Wonder Berry )and I've kept him for some possible breeding !-- The reason I ask is I got a fine stud in the Black Berry Snow Lotus ( named Waldo )-- I think he can do what I want !--So I'm thinking of letting Herrman go -- Any thoughts ? -- I kept Herrman because I thought if I had something stretchy that I wanted to tighten up that he might do the trick !-- BBSL do that too !

I not sure there's a question here, lol. I have no idea which male is better for your breeding project.
Umbra if I had a plan I'd be dangerous !-- Closest I got is I'm gonna make a mess of feminized seed probably late fall /winter -- I had thought I would do it in 2 phases using 2 males -- A fruity potent variety and a more earthy , piney-- type potent male -- I'll be diving back into this tetraploid project with a vengeance -- I plan to run a thousand seed per cycle thru my Zombie Juice !-- I figured the better the genetics potential going in --the better it'll be when I hit pay dirt !-- So my "Breeding Project " -- consist of making a mess of high quality feminized seed for the Tetra Project !-- I already told ya'll I ain't a breeder !
I can't do what breeders do !-- I don't have access to that amount of that kind of genetics or the knowledge and/ or instincts to breed properly !-- I simply can't compete with that !-- So I'm cheat !-- I can't breed in that league but I can do something they can't !-- Not many anyway ! -- I don't know what varieties would make good tetraploids !-- So I got a mess of girls from different varieties -- I breed them all in a feminized seed run !-- Roll the genetic bones and see what fate got for me !
85 overcast and scattered storms here today !-- Same tomorrow I think !-- 1st really good rain we've had in months !-- Even with the "storm" that made me run into the wall with that thunder boomer --We only got a few drops of rain !
I'm gonna be setting up to run a cycle of seed sprouts thru my Zombie Juice this fall 1,000 sprouts at a time and run a cycle every 2 weeks !-- So I'll only need about 24,000 feminized seed to get started !-- Breeding program ? -- That's funny !--
Morning O.F.C. !-- Hot dam !-- I think I might live another day !-- Pressure is gone from my face and I'm doing O.K. !-- That don't mean I feel all froggy and stuff like a spring chicken -- Just means I ain't hurting so much !-- Gonna hit bout 85 at the beach today with high humidity-- not much wind and scattered showers !
Caps is kicking in the pipe is warm and I be alright !-- Good Day to all !
Kitty looks 100% better.....love modern meds. Gonna have to work the left eye for a few days but overall she is bouncing back well......somewhere in my mind i wonder how many times she has left in her, it is clear the disease process is slowly progressing.

Well hot coffee, cool showers and storms today and Q'ing up a bowl of NSA Fat. Peace.
Been having a hard time breathing with the heat. Another 100+ day. Sun is just coming up, time to get some pharming done before it gets too hot. About 2 1/2 weeks to go.
I just about got things where I want them in the grow but now it all needs a good cleaning --I made a mess !
Been kinda unorganized while I was sorting things out !-- I emptied the master bedroom and bath to turn into the grow !-- Moved us to a front bedroom and kept D.D.'s day sleeping room with blacked out windows as it was !-- So I basically tore this place apart !-- So I gotta find a new place for lots of stuff to be !-- Some people got an office in they house ? -- My office is the grow room !-- This rotation is working well enough that it has me gun shy !-- If it is going this well ? --Something bad about to happen soon ! --
I guess setting that room up as a grow mighta been easier if I woulda had some kind of plan or something! -- My plans usually don't work so well anyway so mostly I just jump da "F" in and figure it out on the fly !
I did good this time !-- Few years ago I didn't even know what LED meant and aero was some kind of NASA space farming experiment !-- I figured that sheet out !-- Keef growing Aero under LEDs who woulda ever thunk it ? -- Sheet gets real frosty too and I don't know how or care why !-- I just know if it ain't broke don't fix it !
Kitty looks 100% better.....love modern meds. Gonna have to work the left eye for a few days but overall she is bouncing back well......somewhere in my mind i wonder how many times she has left in her, it is clear the disease process is slowly progressing.

Well hot coffee, cool showers and storms today and Q'ing up a bowl of NSA Fat. Peace.

Glad to hear she's doing a lot better man
Morning Bud !

We got central air and I got 8 Mars Hydro running in that room with no special ventilation other than a fan !-- Room temp is 81 degrees in the heat of the day !-- I be moving a little window A/C from veg. to bloom and can probably take the temp down to mid 70's -- Heat is my enemy !-- I have plenty room for another 8 box bloom unit it that room but can I keep the temp in a tolerable range without a larger AC ?

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