Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Yes it finally is cooling off. Hit 103 today. I made up some moon rocks and have been smoking them all day.
Sick kitty this am, off to the vet as soon as it opens. Hope everyone has a great day. Peace.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Still stormy this morning -- I'm trying to figure out which way is up !-- My face feels swollen and I'm wearing a little thin !-- It's like I was shot at and missed -- Sheet at and hit ! - Took enough caps to light up half south Texas !-- Got me some coffee and a simple pipe of ? -some weed I grow !--Time to Kick this Wake and Bake off !
Good morning OFC. Another scorcher on the horizon. Smoking some chocolate thai and Tahoe og hash. Fresh pot of Joe and life begins again.
Life begins... Monday morning. Going to be 90 today 95 tomorrow then drop to the 70's. Got company coming this week, but they bring their own motor home and.... don't tell anyone I do this, but if she is extra chatty, i give her a pipe of indica, she goes to bed in 15 min. Last time she called me on it. oh dear. It is a working plan.

I got lots of pot work done this week. all the seedlings transplanted.. feels good.
Lets have a good week ya'll.
Kitty mojo being sent Kraven. I know that is a worry for you.
Morning OFC. Did a Wake and Bake this morning. Now, it's time to get ready for this Monday. Got a Dr. appointment this afternoon. It's a long wait in his office. Not looking forward to it.

Keef how are you doing in this storm that is passing through. I see it coming. By the time it gets here, I will be out in about. Cane, YD look out, that storm doesn't look so good on radar.

Morning Rose, DD wishing you a happy day. Rose have fun with your company.
Kraven hope your kitty is ok that's how I started my morning yesterday the wife had to take our new Yorky to the vet the vet thinks she might have Parvovirus it always hits bad here in the spring and they wanted to keep her hospitalized meanwhile the crazy little critter is all over the place today glad she's feeling better hope your day gets better man and the kitty feels better
We do love our pets !-- Best Wishes Kitty !
I still feel used up and old today ! -- Weather be wearing me a little thin !-- topped my boxes off this am so we good for another week or so !-- Nice group of midgets coming down late this week -- I was running low on B.B. so this will hook me up !-- Still gonna be a month or so till I have a supply of Nurse Larry again !-- I do like Da Nurse !
Rose that's great about your state and the MJ laws !-- They 15-17 mmj bills before the Texas legislation this session !-- They pulled a smooth one this year by running the clock out so there was no vote !-That way they didn't have to admit publicly by a vote if they we're proud or con --Chicken sheets !- So we stay a prohibition state for at least another 2 years !--
Evening OFC, Hope the sick critters get well. Keef they both look like keepers to me. Had to do my old job today. Not bad I got to make 2.75 ounce bags all day. Just let the caps roll all day. Where is my pipe?
Well sick kitty is my FIV cat so she has a hard time anyway....same scenario as always....huge sinus infection pops up over night and then her eye's start to get ulcerated quickly....in less than 24 hrs she can be in bad shape....today was ABX, Steroids and IV fluids....she came home with eye meds too so i'll be doctoring her for the next five days like she is in ICU.
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