Morning OFC, waking not baking...baked too much last night. Don't know that i have ever been hung over on pot....oh dear... Have a great Sunday, ya'll.
Nobody knows the song, huh? Must be a figment of my twisted imagination.
Daylight savings time sucks! If it makes that big of a difference, set the clocks ahead HALF an hour and leave the damn thing there! The only time 30 minutes matter is if you're strapped in a chair with electrodes attached, waiting for word from the governor.
Time for a buzz, no matter what time the clock says!
Giggy, that's the song, but not the version I'm looking for. The original came out in '56, but the swing version was somewhere in the '70s, before Pretty Patty got into the business.
I sent an email to Miss Lisa. If anyone can remember useless crap, she can! A true trivia master, she it.
Been laid up with pain and swelling in my face -- Doing best I can to take care of the grow !-- I'm not a nice guy when I'm like this so I'll catch up later !
Gonna join in on the wake and bake session. Been warmer the last couple days, do I dare hope for an early spring ? Anyways, good morning giggy and the rest of the OFC.
Gonna join in on the wake and bake session. Been warmer the last couple days, do I dare hope for an early spring ? Anyways, good morning giggy and the rest of the OFC.